Swords and Knives

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Lets do dialogue only. Percy, Annabeth, Piper and Jason.

Beth: "Gods, Percy, I can't believe you did this!"

Percy: "Hey, I'm just helping my buddy out."

Beth: "Helping?!"

Percy: "Don't you want them to be like us?"

Beth: "I guess so."

Percy: "Jason really likes her. Like really REALLY likes her."

Beth: "I know, but I feel like Aphrodite."

Piper: "Hey guys!"

Perce/Beth: "Hi."

Jason: "Come on, lets go before someone else gets there."

Piper: "Hey Jason." *blushes*

Jason: "Uh..."

Beth: *nudges Percy* "Piper, why don't you pair up with Jason. I'll be with Perce."

Percy: "I didn't think this would be THAT awkward."

Beth: "Seaweed Brain!"

Percy: "Oh."

Piper: "Can we practice with knives first?"

Jason: "Whatever you want."

Percy: *pulls Jason aside* "Dude! Don't say stuff like that. Let her come to you."

Jason: "I can handle myself, man."

Percy: *smirks* "You're the one who came to me for advice."

Beth: "You know, both of you need to just chill. Let the conversation go where it wants."

Jason: "Well SOMEONE sounds like Aphrodite." *laughs*

Beth: "See, Percy? I think my soft side is growing bigger..." *frowns*

Piper: "Something happen?"

Percy: "Maybe, but I love you all the time anyways." *kisses her cheek*

Piper/Jason: "Umm..."

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