We Won't Change

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So this is pretty much Percy ranting. About stuff. Yeah. Well, technically ME ranting but.. Just read :P it's more funny than a normal story, like a 'heads up' kind of thing.


I was scared being engaged to Annabeth would change us.

Apparently, it doesn't. Only our friends' reactions when they see us together.

Like Rachel:
"OH MY GODS!!! Do you guys want to sit together or something? Here, I'll move over."

"Oh, hey guys. It's okay, I know you guys want to be alone. I'll just leave now..."

"Maybe it's me being a daughter of Aphrodite, but I can see the love here. C'mon, Jason, let's give them some space."

"Um, oh, uh, hey. I should... go... yeah."


"Hey, congratulations! I have to go train, so see you guys later!"

"Aw, there's the happy couple! Maybe I should help Leo with the tacos..."

So, basically, everyone thinks that we always have to be together, and to be honest, we would be sick of each other if that happened.

No, I take it back.

We're going to be MARRIED for the gods' sake! We're always going to be together!

Which brings up another thing - the promise ring was a mistake. Sure, it was a symbol and everything, but I realize now that I didn't need a ring to tell Annabeth that I was committed to her. Look at it this way - if I came home at three AM and I smelled like cheap perfume or something, Annabeth would be like, 'Oh, he gave me a ring! Whatever!' and in reality, that would NEVER happen, and it never DID happen. Annabeth would kill me anyways. The point is, I don't need a shirt saying 'I love Annabeth Chase' or whatever to tell her that I love her. I love her. Is there a 'someone else' in there? I don't thing so.

And now that she has an engagement ring, gods, HOW MANY RINGS ARE COUPLES SUPPOSED TO HAVE?! Sorry for ranting, but sheesh, what's with the rings? Honestly...

So out of all of that, you should have gotten this out of it:
Annabeth and I have NOT changed just because we're engaged. And we will NOT change because of it. I promise you that one. And actually, it's weird, because when I think 'Percy and Annabeth Jackson,' it's okay, but when I think of us being 'married' with, you know, kids and the family dog and all that, it doesn't fit together. Like you can have the dog, the kids, the house, the monsters, but being married just doesn't go with all of that. That makes no sense, but since when have I made sense? I think I've just used too many words...

And don't tell Annabeth I said that. Because I want to be married. Don't get me wrong,  I really do. And I have a feeling that the fact is just going to smack me in the face and I'm going to like it.

Wasn't that in one of the Harry Potter movies or something? Isn't it?

Right, sorry. ADHD kicking in there, isn't it?

So. Uh, plans, right? You want to know what the plan is?

There is no plan.

No joke. We don't have a plan. I know what you're thinking - 'WHAT? Annabeth Chase, daughter of freaking ATHENA' oh wait, don't kill me for that, 'goddess of stragedy, DOESN'T HAVE A PLAN?!'

Yeah, well, that's what she gets for marrying me, right?


So we're waiting 'til she finishes college. It's just so much easier that way. She's becoming an architect, so that'll be another couple of years, and I'm not exactly doing anything except training at CHB as a real job. And then, you know, with all the settling down just a floor above my mom's apartment...

After that, I don't know. Living with out monster attacks is definitly a hope. We might move to Camp Jupiter, if all else fails. I will NOT tolerate a "Gabe" at my place. It just isn't happening.

ALRIGHT. So. Um... that's about it. Questions? No?

Oh, you there. Yes you, oh, hey Nico, what's your question?

When are the kids coming? Are you serious?

Bye, Nico.

BAHAHAHAHA Nico... always asking the wrong questions ;)

Is Annabeth you're girlfriend? -The Titan's Curse


So. Written in the Stars, Karmin Covers. The awkward moment when someone's cover is better than the original... BAHAHAHAHA! can you notice I'm a little hyper?

meh i'm just in a good mood :D

edit: i raelized this was a waste of a chapter. but that's okay. i think it kind of lets you know what goes on in Percy's seaweed brain ;)

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