Oh, He's In The Toilet

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I was furious, and trust me, than only actually happened in the Titan War and in the Great War.

"Percy! I don't understand what's wrong," Annabeth said, and that was really something. Wise Girl not knowing something? Not possible. I felt her touch my arm but I kept walking to my cabin.

"This isn't right. He's my brother," I muttered, but I wasn't really mad at Clyde, the meanest bully at Goode High School. I was mad at my godly parent for leaving my mom then practically having another kid, who just so happens to be a couple months younger.

I reached my navy blue door. I had painted it last summer, because I was seriously bored with the plain natural color. I swung it open to reveal my messy room. Oh, sorry, I meant our messy room.

Plopping down on my bed I ran my fingers through my hair. I heard Annabeth close the door after herself and stand in front of me.

"Percy, can you just talk to me?" I looked up to see the ring Tyson made perched on her finger, and I instantly made up my mind.

I had a little flash back to when I hugged Annabeth in her cabin, what three years ago? I hadn't known the last line of the prophecy and she just put her arms out so I hugged her. I did that exact same move, and she sat beside me, putting her arms around my waist, just holding me.

"I just don't want him here, you know?" I explained quietly, and I pulled away to see her face. Her eyes were that stormy grey color, thinking about what I was saying. "He pretty much harassed me in school."

"Yeah, I got that fake-tuff-guy-vibe from him." She smiled and I kissed her forehead, thankful that I had the best girlfriend ever.

And then SOMEONE had to ruin the moment.

"Ugh, Perseus," Clyde said, and walked into his new cabin. Annabeth buried her eyes into my neck. I didn't really get that part, but I didn't complain either. "Get a room already."

"Uh, this is my room," I reminded him, and I felt Annabeth smile into my shirt.

"Whatever," he mumbled, and threw his backpack onto an empty bunk.

"HEY!" someone yelled, and Annabeth and I turned to see Clarisse fuming in the doorway. "I hear you made fun of Percy."

Clyde's eyes widened for a second, then he grinned. "Yeah, I did."

Clarisse stomped up to him and grabbed his shirt, and there was pure fear in his eyes. She has that affect on people. "No one, and I mean NO ONE, makes fun of him accept for ME!" She dragged him out of the cabin, heading for the bathrooms.

"Oh Gods," I said, and Annabeth laughed. It was like the first time I met the daughter of Ares, accept this time it was way more amusing.

"Ahh! Get off of me!" Clyde yelled, but no one helped him. She had him in a headlock.

"Hey! Who just went pee?" Clarisse screamed into the bathroom, and several other new campers timidly raised their hands. "Did you flush yet?" One of them shook their head. "Good."

Now, I know what you're thinking: It wasn't that bad, because Clyde stayed dry! I wasn't even there to see her shove his head into the toilet, but I know from experience that sons of Poseidon don't stay dry in pee. Ever.

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