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Based off of one of burge's (tumblr) drawing of Percy and Annabeth. i would rate this chapter for fourteen and older, but knowing thirteen year olds are going to read it anyways (yeah, i was a rebel too) i toned it down a bit :D

*RATED 14 AND OLDER* (please)


My parents went on vacation after I graduated, but I didn't want to go to the Grand Canyon. Long story short, too many bad memories with finding Jason, Piper and Leo there and becoming disappointed because Percy wasn't with them. So, I invited Percy over to hang out in California, for once, before camp officially started.

"Your dad's not going to be mad?" he asked me as I fumbled with my house key.

"Nah, he's okay with you. It's the oh-my-gods-my-daughter's-dating-someone kind of thing."

"I can't really tell the difference."

Our house was pretty normal for a demigod's, but I think it was mostly because of my little brothers. Soccer and baseball stuff was literally everywhere, a juice box here and there and every once in a while my father's old newspapers and glasses turned up. I dropped my bag in the hall, only adding to the mess.


"C'mon." I grabbed Percy's hand and tugged him up the stairs to my room.

A lot of older kids at camp think that we've 'done stuff' already, but we really haven't. I think that those idiots are just lonely and don't have anything else to think about, but that's my opinion. Percy respects me, and even though I hate to admit it, I respect him, and because it's mutual it's become a silent agreement that we would wait however long to 'do stuff.' I'd rather not explain.

"Remember when I was here last?" I turned around right before I opened my bedroom door, and I remembered with him. I was sleeping, and then I heard wings flapping outside. Percy had crawled through my window, and he slept over with me in his arms. We didn't do anything, I promise, but my dad freaked out the next morning.

"I'd rather not," but I already had. His eyes were and smiling, and so were his lips. I stood up on my tip toes to kiss him. He had gotten so much taller since we were fourteen.

Percy once told me that our first kiss - not the one under Mount St. Helens; I don't count that one - made his brain melt. At the time, I had laughed at called him a Seaweed Brain, but I was experiencing the same thing. I couldn't stay on the balls of my feet, but even when I sank back down, he stooped to keep kissing me, and I can't say that I wanted him to stop. He gently pushed me against the door, one of his hands on my hip and the other at my shoulder, kind and sweet, like he wasn't making me get goose bumps. My arms slid around his neck, and I pulled him closer.

To be honest, I don't remember him opening the door and us crawling onto my bed. I take that back. I remember wondering why he wasn't touching me in places that didn't include my waist, my shoulders, my cheeks. It wasn't that it was strange, but some of my desperate friends told me other things...

He pulled away, and I was on top of him with my arms holding me up. His chest was bare, exposing a perfect six pack, may I add, and in my clenched fist was his shirt. We were both breathing a little harder than before.

"Wait," he said, and took his hand to smooth a stray stand of my hair behind my ear. "Is this... Are you sure?" He looked understanding and thoughtful and maybe a little nervous. It hit me that we were about to 'do stuff.'

I had taken my jeans off, and a draft from the empty house chilled the space between my thighs. For some reason, I didn't feel half naked. Maybe it was because I was comfortable in front of Percy. Leaning forward, I kissed him again, and leaned even farther forward so that my lips next to his ear. "I'm ready."

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