I Think You Think Too Much

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this is CHRISTMAS!! yup, skipped a couple months, if you don't mind. I promise tons of Percabeth in this one. When I proof read it I couldn't stop thinking about it! ahhh.... <3


Christmas at Camp. Sign me up!

After breakfast, Chiron called the campers that were here over break to the big house to open presents. I didn't think anyone would give me anything, since I'd been a jerk to most of them, but I had quite a few presents, if I do say so myself. Percy had more, since he was practically a god in the little campers' eyes, and he had to look down at the mob that was crowding around him.

"Open mine first!" half of them were screaming, and the other half was shouting, "Merry Christmas, Percy, Merry Christmas!"

"Thanks guys," my brother said, and looked up at me, his eyes saying, 'Save me!'

"Hey guys!" I interrupted, because with a handful of ADHD kids, you can get their attention with a sigh. "They have hot chocolate!" I pointed to the other side of the room where they really did have the yummy drink. There was a crowd over there too, and I could see the top of Annabeth's head over someone's shoulder. I was just starting to get over her, but... oh, never mind.

They fist pumped the air and shouted with joy, running towards the corner I had pointed in. "Thanks," Percy mumbled. "Hey, I got you something."

"Really?" This was a surprise. "You didn't have to." I glanced at the pile of presents in the middle of the room, eyeing the one I had wrapped up for him, and quickly looked back at him.

"Here. I suggest opening it with me later. It's kinda a private thing." He handed me a medium sized box and stuffed his hands into his sweater pocket.

"Thanks, Perce."

"Don't mention it. I'm gonna be with Annabeth..." then he turned and walked off, smiling like he never would to me.


"Gods, I love Christmas," I sighed, and watched my cabin mates rip wrappers off their presents like no tomorrow. As I sat on the floor by the Christmas tree, I heard footsteps come closer.

"Hey Beth," Percy murmured, and he sat next to me with a cup of hot chocolate. "Did I say Merry Christmas yet?" His hair was hanging a little over his eyes, obviously un-combed, and he wore his classic camp shirt and jeans. He seemed like he would never stop smiling.

I rolled my eyes, knowing he could see, but didn't care. A couple feet away Malcolm watched us, glaring at Percy when he thought I wansn't looking. "Yes, Seaweed Brain. This morning, when you woke me up at three, at breakfast, when you declared that you loved Christmas, and when everyone else started opening presents."

"Oh, I see how it is. I guess I'm just going to drink all of this hot chocolate by myself then..."

I shoved his shoulder, and he made the drink float so that it wouldn't spill.

"Alright! Here-" he laughed at handed me the mug, and I took a sip. "Merry Christmas!"

"Ugh," I groaned. "Going on four."

"Whatever. So I was thinking..." His voice trailed off, and I set the cup on the floor to face him. His smile finally faded, but his eyes were still shiny as if anticipating something. "Maybe I could give you my gift later. You know... in private."

I grinned. "Okay, me too."

Later... lets say after dinner? Yeah, I like that time zone... still Annabeth's POV

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