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Percy did not like suits.

He didn't like how formal everyone was being, even the Stolls. They hadn't pulled a single prank (yet), which really was a miracle.

He adjusted his tie, almost hating how tight it was. He loosened it, but it made him look too... hipster.

Tighter, and he feel like he was going to puke.

Nothing was just right, and it was killing him.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Percy said, the softness in his voice even surprising him, and turned to see Grover, pant-less and smiling like... well, the wilderness.

"Ready?" he asked giddily, practically jumping up and down with excitement. Percy could only smile a little. "Oh, come on, how could you be nervous? She's always been your dream girl, right? How hard could it be?"

Percy had to agree with his best man, who, throughout the years, and been right about way too many things. Like salsa on your burritos.

"Your mom's getting nervous, too, if it makes you feel better."

"Not exactly helping, G-man."

"Right. It's starting in five, though. I'll knock again later." And then Percy was alone again.

There were too many things going on. Too many things that were possible, not settled. He was completely overwhelmed with himself, like there was too much air or something. Some moments passed in an instant, while others were filed with too much sound

Apparently the five minutes were up.

Grover said something, but Percy couldn't hear over the pounding in his ears.

Zeus stood at the alter, looking the exact same as twelve years ago in a pinstriped suit. Beside him Hera looked ready to puke.

"Percy," he said, his voice low with something Percy couldn't describe at the moment. "Are you ready, hero?"

Percy nodded.

"Let's get this over with," he heard the goddess of marriage mutter, and then the music started playing.

Thalia came down the isle first. She wore a navy blue dress.

Percy's mind couldn't take in all the close friends and family at one time.

Then Clarisse, who had refused wearing a dress at all, according to Annabeth, and instead was  wearing blue pants and a white shirt.

Then Rachel, who he thought was pretty, but never said anything.

And then Annabeth.

Percy didn't look at the dress. He only saw her walking towards him with the biggest smile plastered on his face. He only saw her braided hair, the veil over her eyes. He watched as she took her first step. He watched her dad stiffly walk with her, happy and a little sad at the same time. Saying he was stunned didn't cover it.

Everything was moving too fast.

She was walking too slow.

He wanted this girl, who was never really just a girl. He wanted to hold her in his arms forever and never let anything harm her. He wanted to live in his tiny little apartment forever, just with her, and then take the elevator upstairs for Christmas diners with his parents. Plural. He wanted her so badly, all of a sudden, and he couldn't wait any longer.

He wanted his everything.

sorry it's short. i couldn't decide if it would be like a traditional wedding or what so... yeah :)

and sorry for not updating! school's really killing me -.-

Lighters, Bad meets Evil feat. Bruno Mars

AND I'm done with MoA. Like, THE FEELS!! THEY WERE OVERWHELMING! NUFF SAID! and yeah, i know the ending doesnt really... lets say, clicks with my fan fiction, but whatever. WHAT. EVER.

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