Dreamers Gotta Dream

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I was reliving that night in my dreams.

We were walking to her cabin, absently swaying our linked fingers as we walked.

"Yeah, right, Perce. You would never do that again." We were talking about that time I had wore a suit to one of our dates.

"Psh, well I would if you make me again."

I hadn't meant it as a joke, but she giggled and leaned against me. A smile magically appeared on my lips, but I didn't hide it. We had reached her cabin door, and she turned so that she was in front of me. We did this everyday - I walked her here, kissed her goodnight, and went to my own cabin - but this time it was different somehow. All of my worries about Clyde stealing her from me disappeared, and all of my concentration was on her eyes. They were practically glowing, her playful side showing. She stepped a little closer, closing the little distance that was between us, and I leaned down, expecting a kiss. She only waited for what seemed like forever before pressing her lips against mine, and my knees nearly buckled. We had to pull away for air, and when we did, she murmured, "That one was different."

I put my hand to her cheek, brushing my fingers against her soft skin, and she pressed my fingers closer.

I thought of saying 'Yeah, it was,' but then thought better of it. Say it, Percy, I was telling myself. Now's your chance. "I love you," was my answer, because I thought that pretty much covered it. I was drowning in her eyes again, but I didn't - or couldn't - pull myself out.

She pressed her forehead against mine and kissed me yet again, and this time I held myself up a little better. My eyes were still closed when she walked to her door, and I turned away too. "Wait, Percy!" she cried out, and it was like she was about it cry. I turned right before she plowed into me, squeezing my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, and accidentally lifted her off the ground. She was so light, I didn't even try. "I'm scared you'll disappear again," she whispered, and my grip around her tightened.

"Even Hera couldn't make me forget you, remember?" I reminded her, and she kissed me yet again, not that I was complaining or anything.

She pulled away and I put her down, but I didn't let her go just yet. "Gods, Percy," she breathed out, and leaned against my chest. For some reason I kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair. This was amazing. "I'm going to have a dream about this." I liked how we could just tell each other anything, and it was impossible for whatever that was said to be embarrassing.

"Good," I said automatically, and leaned away so that I could see her face. " 'Cause dreamers gotta dream, ya know." That got a smile out of her, and I smiled back.

"Night," she finally said, and I turned to go to my own cabin. "Thanks for the goodnight kisses," I heard her whisper behind me, and I turned around again to grin.

Percabeth fluffiness is the most fun to write about <3 Annabeth's a dreamer

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