Chapter 18

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"Wait, what? What are you talking about?" Elena asked, her voice huskier that usual. Loki trembled, he wants to run away, it felt like fear is opening its mouth ready to swallow him and a single move is enough for him to be eaten alive.

"He tried to take over the world by attacking New York about a year ago." Travis started "The Abomination saw his potential and his thirst to rule, they're gonna use it to their advantage, after finding out about him being here, they attacked him and plans to kidnap him and make him obey their commands. If he won't work with them—"

"They'll kill him... and clone him... then program it to their desire" Elena cut him off, she scoffed "sounds like a HYDRA thing to me, only it's more... evil" she sighed. Travis raised a brow, "you know HYDRA?" he asked. Elena smirked, "of course, you're not the only one with intel in S.H.I.E.L.D.," she said.

Lia's heart is skipping a beat at the exchange of conversation, while Loki continues to tremble in fear. Its happening, the thing she fears the most is happening, "Loki has no desire of taking over the world anymore, I swear!" she said in a stern voice, her grip at Loki's hands tightening, "he's not evil anymore! He will never lead this group!" she added.

"We know Lia, who we need to find out is the one responsible for The Abomination." Travis said, "Loki is just the puppet, a tool to make their plan a success. But the man behind the foundation of The Abomination is our target, so don't worry... we will never harm Loki" he assured then he smiled at Loki, "besides, we're informed that he's not a threat and how special he is to you... so fear not, he'll be okay" he added. Everybody's gazes went straight towards the couple, they saw their intertwined hands; Loki blushed and Lia's grip on his hand tightened. 

Elena smirked, "well then, unit Charlie, it seems like we need to cut short your weeks off... you'll be back to work in further notice" she announced.

Strike team Charlie common room –

Lia entered the common room her hand still firmly gripping Loki's hand, the entire unit's eyes shot towards them and everything went silent. Lia sighed, "I know what you guys are thinking, and I'm sorry if I kept it from you. I will accept whatever treatment you will give me for this" she started.

Leila is the first to stand since she's the unit leader, "we have no plans of treating you any differently, Lia" she said, "we understand your actions" she gently added. "But you still should've told us..." Kobe interjected, "I mean... he's... uh..." he stammered drawing lines in the air with his hand trying to look for words, "uhm... a criminal... of some sort... here..." he said and cleared his throat.

Loki put on an empty smile, "I know how you feel about me, I know what I did and I think 'I'm sorry' is not enough for you to forgive me... but I have no words to say than I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the devastation I caused to this peaceful world and causing hurt to your loved ones" he said, "you can treat me however you want, just please... don't vent it out on Lia, she didn't do anything" he pleaded.

Kobe waved his hand in the air, "nah... this world is not really that peaceful, even before you attacked New York this world is already a mess, and don't worry we will not treat Lia any differently, our leader already said so" he said. Loki looked at him with disbelief this is guy is just glaring at me like 10 minutes ago, what happened? Loki thought and he cleared his throat, "uh... I'm sorry about your cousin's coma" he said. Kobe just laughed, "its been a year, and he's doing well. You look regretful of your actions, who am I to not be forgiving" he said and smiled.

Leila smiled, "if my team member trusts you and believes you're not evil anymore, we believe you too..." she said and Loki smiled, "thank you..." he said. "But do anything stupid and everyone here will rip you apart, even Lia will never be able to do anything..." Hayden interjected and winked at him. "Ehehehe don't worry, I won't do anything" Loki said in an awkward smile

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