EOL 12

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Taeyoon Pov

What a day. I looked at each faces one by one of this harley quin squad who is standing and blocking my way. Two of them flare irritated at me and the other three including Yein are giving me this sly looks maybe trying to scared me. I did not open my mouth to speak even they are wasting my time right now. I don't know what their purpose on doing this. So I just wait. 

"Hey bookworm. You know why I stopped you right now?" Yein crossing her arm while inspected her fingernails.

"Caused you got nothing better to do?"  It woke her anger. She grab my collar shirt tightly.

"Yah! You seriously wanna talk to me in this manner? You still don't know what am I capable of? No one ever tell you huh?" Her fury eyes met mine. With my unblinking focused eye contact I replied.

"Maybe someone did tell me, but I don't give a shit about yo-"

"Yah!! You wanna die?" One of her friend at the back step forward and questioned me. 

"You can do that? You wanna put your finger on me? Try then" I grab Yein wrist that still holding my shirt tightly. I put some forces in it staring deep in her eyes. 

"Let go of this or I swear I will break your worthless hand." She flinched. Not so brave huh? Slowly removed her hand she stepped aside. I drew nearer to the person who warned me just now. She gaped.

"Why sweetie? No more words you wanna say?"

"You thought I'm afraid of you?" Her lips tremble slightly. 

"You not? Listen! I don't give a shit with people like yall. I had face to many bitches in the past. You know one happen to one of them?" I inched forward to reach her ear "She goes blind". I smiled satisfied when I heard her breath hitched. Of course I never does that but she buy it..

"Yah!! What are you guys doing?" Startled a bit I turned around to see who the hell is interrupting my k-drama right now. Once I see the owner of the voice anger rose in me like a tide. What is he doing? Trying to be a hero now? 

 "Yoon are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Eyeing Mingyu who is breathing hard from running. I could feel how my hand balling into fist at his act. Hypocrite! 

"What are you guys? School kid? Five vs one. If Jungkook knew this, I am fucking sure you guys will end up in dean office! Now go!!"

"Please don't tell Jungkook on what happen. We just wanna talk to her. That's all. We will go now" Talk? Yeah right. When I saw all of them start to leave the place I also do the same. I can't be in one place as this guy. Its suffocated. 

"Yoon, are you leaving? Wait for me" He run catching up to me. 

Turning my heel to his side "Are you deaf or you got problem with your brain? I said I don't like you. Infact, I hate you! So stop trying to be nice with me. It doesn't suit you. Stop acting being someone who protect others but the fact you're  fucking not! I don't play with your bullshit. Don't show your face in front of me ever again." It had been a while since I felt tormenting. I forced my self to look him in the eyes. But when I did, It remind me of the past. 

The boy sighed. "What did I do to you to deserved this hatred from you? I just want to be nice Yoon. I am doing it sincerely. Why did you said I'm acting up?" Rage throbbed in me like a drumbeat. What did you do? You take away something from me that I can't never have it back. You don't deserve to be treated nicely. In fact, you should be in a prison right now. I been reading all the laws books because of you. Because I want to know how can I charges you with your pass doing. But everyone in my family stopping me to do so. They know why I insisted want to study law. They said that I should forget the past. Forgive people. But no. They know nothing about what happen back then. Because after what happen, I sealed my mouth completely. Now facing you again with your innocent act, I can't accept it. All the word in my mind I really want to throw it out at him. But none come out. I tamped down my anger.

Eyes Of Love | 사랑의 눈동자 | JJK FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang