I wont let you take him (pt 3)

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Part 4 will be final part :3

We drove up to the hospital and the driver dropped me off at the entrance. I paid him then sprinted to the door, flinging it open and stopping in the lobby. Great, a line. I wonder if I can just go in, since I've already visited once before.. no, I can't be there for Dan if I get caught and I'm kicked out.

So I impatiently waited for everyone in front of me to get through, then it was my turn. The lady, who was not the same lady as before, asked me for my name and who I was visiting, punched it into her computer, then waved me off. I almost missed the cheerful gal that was here last night.

I quickly walked up the stairs. I had learned my lesson now, and still have battle wounds from it. Besides, the walk up gave me some time to think.

Was that an actual dream that could come true? Or was it just another nightmare? Usually I forget dreams within an hour of having them, but I remember this one very clearly. I shuddered just thinking about it. I don't think the Grim Reaper has ever come in physical form in real life. I've only heard about him in movies and such.

My thoughts still swirling around in my brain, I reached the top of the stairs. Slightly out of breath, I jogged down the hallway to Dan's room. I put my hand on the handle but hesitated. Why? Why am I hesitating? You're scared. Scared of what you'll find on the other side.

I firmed my lips and opened the door. The lights were bright and the computer screens shone onto the doctors' faces. No old fashioned furniture, no eerie dark lights, and no missing doctors. Everything was normal. Well, almost everything. Doctors were rushing around, practically running into each other. They were rushing to Dan, then were talking to someone by the computers, then go rushing back to Dan, carrying shots and other things in their hands. My heart jumped and started pounding. What's going on?

I grabbed the arm of a doctor that had just brushed by me. "What's going on?"

The doctor turned to me. Recognition flashed through his eyes, then pity. He hesitated, then said very quickly, "His large intestine is filling with blood."

My face drained of color and I felt myself go lightheaded. "W-what? Is there any-anything you can do to get rid of it?"

"Sir we are currently trying everything we can but.." he looks me in the eyes and says, "we're losing him."

Time stopped. Everything around me went in slow motion, as a ringing sounded in my ears. No other sound was getting in. I was seeing but I wasn't looking. My eyes weren't focused on anything. I took a step away from the doctor who was continuing to talk to me. My back was pressed against the wall, my breathing shallow. My heart was beating alarmingly fast, and I felt myself start to go even more lightheaded.

We're losing him..
We're losing him..
We're losing him.

It echoed again and again and again. Bouncing around in my head and taking over all my thoughts but not registering.

This can't be happening.. no! He has to be okay! He has to live!

A few doctors were now crowded around me, talking loudly and looking in my eyes. My vision started to go black. I felt myself falling till I knew nothing but darkness.


I awoke to the sound of-


Wait, silence?

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