Release me from boredom

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Yes I'm still continuing I won't let you take him, but I wanted to get another chapter out for you guys while I work on it.

Warnings: none, cute fluffy fluff!

Dan's POV

"Phiiiiil.. I'm bored." I whined, coming up behind my boyfriend who was sitting on a stool and reading. I put my hands on his shoulders and gently shake him. "Entertain me!"

Phil ignores me and continues to read. I stuck out my bottom lip. How dare he ignore his boyfriend in need. I go to the side of him and loop my arms around him, joining them together. I was practically hanging from him.


I leaned up and places a quick kiss on his cheek. Then another, and another. I peppered his face with kisses. His face turns pink but still nothing.

Groaning I stood up and stared down at him with my hands on my hips. What to do.. what to do..

An idea came into my head.

I grabbed the top of the book. No I didn't take the book, dramatically throw it over my head and start making out with Phil like in all the other fanfics. You shouldn't throw books. Instead, I moved the book up so it wasn't resting on his lap but was eye level with Phil. Then I straddled his legs and sat down.

There. No he'll have no choice but to look at me and I can finally-


What just..?

I was now seated- er, more like crumpled, on the ground. But how did..?

I looked up to Phil to see him laughing. His legs were spread apart.

Oh. He dumped me on the ground.

I pouted. "After all that, the only thing that gets you to look at me is my own humiliation?"

Phil laughs and nods his head. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to finish my book." And with that, he turned back to his book and I was left with the metaphorical door slammed in my face.

I sighed and just decided to make do with what I have. I took a pillow from the ground under the chair and kneeled on it to give me some height. I hung my arms from atop of his legs and put my head in his chest. He gently started to comb through my hair, but he didn't look up from his book which was resting on my shoulder.

I guess this'll have to do.

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