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"grief doesn't change you hazel - it reveals you

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"grief doesn't change you hazel - it reveals you." -John Green (FIOS)
   THAT NIGHT I was stuck tossing and turning in my sleep. My mind was focused on the memory that flashed past me only a few hours ago. After everyone ate, we decided to stay the night at Caleb's. He had one guest room so I was bunked with Hailiee, obviously. Caleb and Joey bunked in his room and Austin offered to sleep on the couch. He claimed he didn't mind, but his face said otherwise. Everyone had forgotten about it - I think everyone had been too tired to negotiate or argue against it with him.

   There was a soft knock on the door and shortly after, a light kicked itself through the crack that creaked open. A voiced followed with it.

   "Natalie?" A familiar male voice whispered.

   "Yes?" I replied with my eyes locked on whoever's shadow that may be.

    "You awake?" The door opened wider.

    I sighed and sat up, "Yeah. What's up Joey?"

    "Come here I wanna show you something." Joey walked out, leaving the door cracked open.

     I sighed again and quietly got out of bed, trying not to move it too much and wake up Hailiee's sleeping figure. My bare feet padded against the cold wooden floor, I ran a hand through my knotted hair and cringed as my fingers got stuck. Eventually giving up on the knot, I sped walked around the corner and saw Joey waiting outside of a window, sitting down on a cushioned chair with his leg bouncing up and down.
   "Joey?" I spoke in the quiet noise.

   "Finally, jeez did you die again? Come on." He
stood up and pushed the window open and crawled through it.
    "What- okay." Being too tired to even ask what he
was up to, I followed him.

     I looked in front of me, while I crawled and prayed I wouldn't slip, and was met with a beautiful starry night. I stared at it in awe and sat down next to Joey.
  "Beautiful right? We used to come up here all the time and just be a bunch of weirdos." Joey gushed.

    Over the little time I've known Joey, I learned that while he may be the clown of the group, he also has the biggest heart. I looked at Joey while he stared up at the twinkling stars that stick to dull black sky turning parts of it a beautiful navy blue. I noticed that he had a birth mark on his cheek in the shape of a peanut. I smiled to myself and looked back up at the starry night and scotched closer to the boy and rested my head on top of his shoulder.

   "Just so you know. I'm very much asexual." Joey spoke with his head still up.

    "Okay." Is all I said while my head laid comfortably on his shoulder.

this is so short i'm so sorry but I wanted to have a chapter  that was all about Joey and Natalie. :( sorry better chapters are coming I promise.

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