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"I've seen who you truly are, and I've never turned away

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"I've seen who you truly are, and I've never turned away." -unknown

IT ALMOST FELT LIKE I was dreaming when they harshly threw Joey in with Hailiee and I. My heart stopped at his appearance though. The cuts and bruises along his face is enough to tell me they've tortured him since they got him. It's enough to tell me how much pain he's experiencing and how badly he wanted us to save him.

"He wouldn't tell us where you were. But, thankfully, we actually already knew where you were thanks to Austin," She patted his shoulder while they both glanced at one another, "I respect his loyalty. Your friend is actually stronger than I pegged him out to be. He tried to fight his way out. Almost succeeded. Fortunately, one of my crew member was able to tase him. After that we doubled our security. The torture was just a bonus."

"You're sick." Hailiee spat.

"Maybe," Alaina shrugged, "But, my plans are working. Soon enough, I will have enough weapons to conquer even Russia."

"People." I mumbled.

"Pardon?" She asked.

"People. You said weapons. But you meant people. Soon enough you'll have enough people to do your dirty work for you." I raised my voice.

"Oh Natalie. They are my dirty work. I created them. I made them who they are. They're strong and powerful and do whatever I say. What more could I want?" Alaina smiled.

Feeling defeated, I let my head hang as it dropped down to look at Joey. What happens now?

"Alright. I've had enough," Alaina sighed and picked up Joeys head high enough to use her free hand to hold a knife against his neck.

My heart dropped, "Where. Is. Caleb?"

"I already told you, I don't know. Last time I saw him he was in the house you idiots blew up." I shouted out quickly.

"That's not good enough." She declared adding enough pressure to Joeys neck to make blood slowly trickle out.

He groaned while she repeated, "Where is he?"

"I don't know! Leave him alone! Your fight is with me Alaina!" I exclaimed.

I could hear Austin tsk behind me. I glanced at Hailiee and saw her face was hard and heard a low growl. I watched as desperately tried to break her rope-tied hands free. I felt her frustration. I let out a yell and start trying to stomp my feet on the ground and twist my wrists again, feeling the rope dig into my skin raspingly.

"I'm not going to ask again! Let him go!" I shouted louder.

In the midst of Hailiee and I's temper tantrum, Alaina's chuckle still managed to over power our threatening shouts. She threw Joey's body to the ground and the rock went quiet.

"I respect your willingness to save this boy. He lives for today," She walked up to me until our faces were inches apart, "But listen up and listen good, if we do not find Caleb by tomorrow evening..I will force you to watch me cut off Joeys throat and put Hailiee's head on a golden platter."

Not having any ability to do anything else, I pull my head back and slam it into Alaina's making her stumble back. She cradled her forehead in her hands and smiled devilishly at me. Her eyes looked up to Austin and she jerked her head backwards, signaling for him that it was time to leave. I pay no heed to the nasty look Austin throws Hailiee and I. If I looked at him, I'd just start screaming all over again and send death threats his way. My eyes were glued to Joey anyways even when the door slammed shut behind them.

"Joey.." I whisper.

All I got in response was a groan.

"Joe.." I try again.


A ghost of a blink hits my eyes as I listened to my best friend quietly cry right in front of me. I could feel my heart and stomach slowly collapse thinking about the thinks he went through, and listening to his heart breaking cries.

"I'm sorry. We were coming up with a plan to get you and a planned on leaving that same day. They ambushed us- bombed us." Hailiee's voice brakes as she tries to explain.

Joey finally lifts his head up to throw Hailiee a look, "I don't care."

"Joey. What happened?" I asked carefully.

He shook his head, "When I found Austin, he was talking to Alaina. About a plan to get you, get rid of your memories again and make you their weapon. Basically start over with you. I tried to get away but they caught me. They took my com and knocked me out. Next thing I know, I wake him strapped down to a hospital bed in this damn place. Alaina kept asking me for information but..." He paused, "Listen, Natalie, Hailiee, whatever she says she'll do don't underestimate her. Because she can and will do it."

"Joey." Hailiee trailed.

"Alright," Austin shouted swinging the door open. "Let's see if you wanna talk now."

"Don't you feel any sympathy at all?" Hailiee asked.

"Sympathy? For Joey? Oh I did. But," he took a deep breath, "Once I started torturing him, it was so hard to stop. The thrill and the satisfying feeling of the blood gushing out of your victim. The cries and pleas. Ugh, so amazing." he looked into my eyes, those once familiar eyes are dark, and full of hatred.

I swallowed thickly, feeling my arms and hands shake.

He smiled evilly, "Now," He cleared his throat and squatted down to Joey, "Tell me more about your precious lover, Caleb."

"I don't know how many times I need to tell you in order for you to get it through your thick skull, I don't know where Caleb is!" I shouted.

Austin hummed, "That's fine."

He stood up and walked behind me. I heard something scratch against the floor as I heard his foot steps coming closer towards my right. It was a table full of different tools. 

"Alaina says I could do whatever it took to get you to talk. And so that's what I'm gonna do." He smirked.


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