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❝ignore the naysayers

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ignore the naysayers. really the only option is, head down, get the job done.❞ -Chris Pine

   MY POSTURE ROSE UP in realization that Joey was right. That wasn't Caleb. The figure was still masculine, but was taller and slightly more buff than the tall dark haired male was.

   "Who the hell is that?" I mumbled, squinting my eyes.

    Joey paused and leaned forward to see past me and through the window, "Well, he's wearing their uniform so, best guess? One of those kids we told you about."

    My blood ran cold as I turned my head to Joey," Is Caleb okay?"

     Joey snapped his head back to his computer and began to frantically look through the security cameras.

    "Caleb? Caleb are you there?" I spoke in concern with my eyes glued to the screen, "He's not answering.."

    I turned my attention back to the car window. But when I did, I was met with a ghostly white face with pale piercing plain blue eyes. I screamed out of shock as Joey did the same. He quickly disregarded any of the electronics that sat on his lap, and turn the keys then sped forward.

   "Guys! We have a problem here!" Joey exclaimed.

    "What do you mean?" Austin's voice boomed in my ear, making me flinch.

   "Those kids we were talking about? One of them is chasing us! He's fast too, right on our tail. I think they have Caleb!" Joey quickly explained looking in the rear view mirror.

    I turned around to see that the comedic man was right. He's so close I could practically yell and he'd hear me as clear as crystal.

   "You guys have to meet us at the emergency rendezvous point," I continued, "And do not leave that building without Caleb!"

    I could feel Austin nod his head understanding his directions. Joey took a sharp left turn trying desperately to avoid crashing into any cars. I prayed silently that we wouldn't hit traffic or a red light. As soon as I did, they came to life. The cars in front of us began to slow down, as did the guy behind us realizing he can finally reach us.

    "Joey we don't have time, drive on the side walk!" I shouted out.

    "But there's people there.." He replies calmly.

    "Beep your horn!" I didn't reply with same energy as he did.

     Before a car could come up behind us, Joey backed the car up and began to hit his horn over and over. While he drove fast, people began to jump out of the way. My heart was racing so fast, I didn't care enough to look behind us and see if the boy was still following.I watched as Joey strategically sped and slowed every now and then to try and shake the guy off of us. Then, my life flashes before my eyes when Joey and taken his eyes off of the sidewalk in front of him to look behind us. I felt the back of the car hit against something hard, and the car proceeded to spin uncontrollably. It was so fast I became dizzy trying to count how many times it spun. Out of nowhere, the car then began to flip multiple times and land belly up.

   Because we were upside down, my arms were forced to be upright and my body limp. My mind began to spin as if we still were. I turned my head against the sharp pain in the back of my neck, and looked at Joey. He eyes were shut and had a cut on the top of his forehead. I couldn't really tell what else was wrong with him due to my eyes blurring. I tried taking a deep breath and ended up groaning in pain with a deep striking pain in my lower abdomen.

   The pain that covered my body was unbearable. Tears watered and further blurred my vision, now all I could see were deformed shapes. I looked to my right and could see one closing in on me, my energy depleting. I coughed and blood splattered against the cracked and broken car window and door.

   With all of my force left in my arm, I tried to push Joey awake, but no avail. The only thing he did was moan and take a shaky breath in. My heart twisted at the pain in my neck, stomach, legs and feet. I tried to twist myself free but nothing. My energy level at zero, my eyes felt like weights were attached, they were so heavy. Eventually, all darkness consumed my eyes. My hearing was the last thing to go before I fully knocked out. All I heard left were screams and cries of agony and fear from people around me.
   I tried to open my eyes, but it was just too difficult for me. So I relied on my hearing to help me figure out where I was.

   "She's been asleep for almost two days now, and you still haven't told me what the hell happened to you guys." A male voice spoke softly.

    "I told you Austin. We crashed. I got knocked out. And so did she. All I remember next is waking up in that car with you guys." Joey replied, his voice muffled and dripping with frustration.

    "That's not good enough Joey. Caleb is still missing and we have zero clue on where he went, and you're telling me you don't remember jack-shit?" Austin replied angrily.

    "Yes! That is was I'm saying. Look dude, whatever stick you have up your ass I suggested you get it out before I knock you out!" Joey's voice boomed and echoed throughout the walls of the room.

    I could hear footsteps stomp off and a loud slam of a door follow shortly after. I groaned groggily at the newly formed headache.

   "Nat?" Joey whispered softly and sweetly.

   I hummed at him and forced my eyes to open despite them being practically glued shut. I shifted my body from side to side and turned my head to look at Joey. The cut on his head was covered in a 'My Little Pony' band-aid, his arm in a sling, and bandage around his knee. Joey carefully lifted my head to a glass of water with a pink straw sticking out of it. I took a generous sip and thanked him in my head. The coldness of the drink oozed my sore and scratchy throat.

   I cleared my throat, "What's up with the pony band-aid."
   He shrugged, "I like ponies."

   I giggled, "It's manly."

  "Right? Hailiee says it's girly and makes me look dumb. I'm just glad you're awake now and can finally appreciate my band-aid with me." Joey smiles from ear to ear.

    "Where's Caleb." I questioned.

     "He's still missing, and before you try to ask anymore questions," He took a breath, "We haven't been able to really find anything as to his disappearance or the exact spot he disappeared from."

    I nodded in understanding, "You look like shit."

    Joey leaned back in shock, "Really? You know since you've woken up all you've really done is questioned my band-aid and tell me how terrible I look. When is something positive gonna come out your mouth huh?"

     I shrugged, "Nothing yet."

     He nodded with a fake hurt expression that made me laugh. Joey then proceeded to roll his eyes as he sat next to my bed. After that Joey explained to me why we couldn't go to a hospital and that, that was why we took refuge in a friend of a friends hospital like basement. He said that they're grandmother was a resident down here due to her cancer and later passed away. After a few hours of talking and explanation of what happens next, which is basically nothing, I ended up falling asleep and dreaming of stars.
this one's really short but OH WELL

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