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"this is who we are, a product of war

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"this is who we are, a product of war." -Unknown, Pinterest

I JUMPED UP AND PROPELLED myself off the wall and sent a right hook to one of the final guards that refused to go down. Because of the force I used when I punched him, he spun around, unknowingly, to Hailiee. She spun quickly with her leg high, and kicked the side of his neck rendering him immobile. We both stood there for a moment trying to catch our breath. I leaned back until I touched the wall and slid down slowly. Hailiee walked over to me, paused, then did what I did. Say in quiet looking at the damage we did to -most likely- innocent people. My throat dried and my anger rose thinking about Alaina and her experiments. The only two things I wanted to do was ask her why, and kick her ass.

Then I heard static in my com, "Alright, I got it. Lets get out of here."

"On our way, Caleb." I replied pushing myself up.

"Has anyone heard from Joey?" Hailiee quizzed while we both walked towards the steps, leaving our mess for someone else.

"Uhm, no. I just assumed he's still trying to find Austin. He said he was turning his com off to focus on finding him." Caleb spoke quietly.

I huffed, "Well then someone should really find him before we leave. And do it ASAP."

"And that should be you." Caleb retorted.

"Why should it be me?" I asked.

"Because, I literally just did all the work." Caleb told.

I scoffed, "Seriously? I just ripped my expensive ass dress and fought like four or five huge ass guys, and you did all the work?"

I could see him roll his eyes, "Well I'm the one who got the injections right?"

"Yeah but-"

"Then that means I did all the work." He interrupted.

"Wow, you guys are so annoying." Hailiee mumbled.


Because Hailiee and I felt it was too dangerous, we sent Caleb to the car and await further instructions. His com was still on incase we ran into any danger and need him to drive off immediately. My mind continued to twist as I tried my best to think of where Joey had gone. We searched every room but one.

"The room is on the eastern side of the building, I'll distract those guards-which should be easy- while you slip in through the door got it? I wanna get out of here and far away from Alaina as fast as possible before I murder her in cold blood." Hailiee ordered.

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