A Night You'll Never Forget!!

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Yess!! Today is my 21st birthday. I'm about to head over to Poppy's place to see what she has planned today.

I make it to Poppy's place, but to find nobody is home. Then I drive to a nearby Starbucks and grab a drink and text Poppy.

Scarlett: Hey!! I just went by your place, but you weren't home so I'm at Starbucks

Scarlett: Do you want anything??

Pop 💖: Oh sorry!! I was at target getting some stuff. Btw I'm good.

Scarlett: So wanna come to my house then??

Pop💖: uh sure

Scarlett: See you in 10

Pop💖: See ya 😉


I'm casually arriving at Target when I turned on the radio. Finding that there is a contest to win VMA's after-party passes! I find a parking spot and park there. I thought to myself how perfect it will be for Scarlett's 21st birthday, plus her idol the one and only Brendon Urie is gonna be there. It'll be a perfect present for Scarlett!!

Then the radio announces the winner has to be caller 9.

As on cue, I call the radio station and it just rings for a good minute.

I then lost hope, until my number went through!
And there it was the announcer's voice!!!!

I think I just died! So I pinched myself to make sure I'm still alive and awake.

Radio Announcer: Hello ma'am are you there??

Poppy: Oh yes I'm still here!!

Radio Announcer: Well good, because I'm glad to inform you that you have won the contest for the afterparty passes!! Congratulations!

Poppy: WOWWW!!! This is awesome! And thank you very much, sir!

Radio Announcer: No problem!! Well, I'll just send you the details through text is that alright ma'am??

Poppy: Oh yes!! That's perfect!!

* 5 minutes later*

Yess! I can't believe that I won the passes. Next stop I gotta tell Scarlett, but first I'm gonna pick up our outfits for tonight.

Speaking of the devil, Scarlett texted.
Maybe I'll tell her when I'm at her house.


I arrived at my house, and I'm bored out of my mind of course!
Then I heard something outside in my driveway. It was Poppy, who had a bunch of grocery bags.

Umm, why does she have so many bags, did she get me groceries because I didn't tell her to. Hmm maybe she's planning a party at my place or something, I need to get down to this.

Once I help Poppy bring in all her bags, we sit down and something is making Poppy excited which I can tell. First off, she's jumpy in an excited way, like a puppy meeting someone new. She also has a big grin on her face that she can't seem to wipe off.

Okay, I think it's just me but I'm gonna ask her first.

"Umm hey Poppy why are you so excited did you happen to meet Brendon at Target or something, and why do you have all these bags??" I asked.

" Well, it's a surprise, for you," Poppy said.

" Tell me please, you are making me curious now, plus I hate surprises" I begged.

" Okay, okay fine, I won some tickets..." Poppy tried to explain, but I cut her off.

"Wait hold up let me guess, is it to see Brendon in concert or something..." I said with excitement.

" Sort of" Poppy laughed. Poppy gave me something that she had printed out and handed it to me, When I saw it, I was in shock.

I squealed in excitement. Then I ran upstairs with one concern.

" Umm I don't have anything to wear tonight, Poppy" I shouted from my room.

" Well that's where Target comes in, I got our outfits" Poppy answered. I then gasped and ran back down and hugged Poppy.

" What can I do without you, what can I do to repay you," I said still hugging Poppy

"Well, surprise me with Pray For The Wicked tickets for my B-day" she replied.

After that, we go upstairs to my room and go get ready for the party, but before that, we watched the performance of High Hopes on the tv before heading over.

I can't believe I'm meeting all these people that I just saw on tv and I'm hanging out with them for my 21st birthday. Also meeting my idol on my birthday is a dream come true.

*30 minutes later*

We finally arrived at the afterparty. Let's say that there was a lot of traffic but we made it on time. I ran into so many people and took many pics, but the number one person I didn't get a picture of is Brendon Urie. I haven't seen him yet, but I see a crowd of people near the bar and there's a guy but he's surrounded by people. I then found an empty seat and sat there while Poppy was now getting her move on the dance floor. Then I felt the bartender hand me a drink.

" umm sir, I didn't order this drink," I said

" It's from that nice gentlemen over there," he said glancing over to the guy that just shot me a wink. I caught a glimpse of his face, but couldn't recognize who it was.

Man can I say that guy is handsome and he is now walking over to me, who can he be I wonder.

Hey, it's Lexi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Ummm I'm kinda new at this so please bear with me!! Also, see you guys on Fridays😉!!!

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