Praying for Love!!

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It was time to get Scarlett for the day and go on an adventure that we have for tonight. I had run a bunch of errands. I had gotten Scarlett a few things, one is the phone she has, I have a box of dark chocolate and red roses for her.

As I approached the hotel room door and knocked on it.
The door opened and there she was. Scarlett just standing there looking stunning as ever. I was staring at her and she noticed. I gave her the roses and a box of chocolates.

I took her hand and we headed towards the elevator. The elevator door opened. We went inside. I pressed the number one button that leads to the parking lot. I told Scarlett how much I admired her being there.

The elevator door opened and I took her right to the rental car I got. I opened the passenger side for her to get in. Then I ran around to the other side to the driver's side and started the car and drove off.


Brendon is being such a gentleman. He's so cute like this and he's in one of his suits. As Brendon is driving, I keep looking at Brendon and admiring him, like this is a dream or something.

We finally arrived at this fancy restaurant called The Eiffel Tower. We parked and Brendon leads me into the actual Eiffel Tower and we went up to the restaurant that showed the view of Paris, it was beautiful. We were seated at the table. It was a candlelit dinner.

Brendon sat across from me. We started off with appetizers and then went to the main course and then dessert.


We just finished our date, so now we are out of the restaurant and looking over the city, it was beautiful. Then I saw Scarlett shivering and I gave her my jacket. I then forgot I had her necklace.

" Hey Scarlett, I just want to tell you how beautiful you look, and how precious you are to me." I said.

" You're the best damn thing that can ever happen to me, it basically a dream for me. I want this to last, would you do the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" I asked.

" Yes.. uh Sure, I would love too and I feel the same way towards you too" She said.

We kissed. It was a dream come true.

I then showed her the necklace. She gasped. I told her to turn around so I could put it on.

I clasped it on her and it looked perfect just like I imagined. I kissed her again, and all I could taste was the chocolate stuck on her lips from dessert.

It was sweet like I imagined. We broke the kiss and I licked my lips and grinned.

" What was all that licking for?" She asked.

" Oh nothing darling, it was just that you got chocolate stuck on your lips from dessert so I licked it off, you're welcome" I said, as Scarlett's cheeks started to heat up from blushing.

We turned back around to see the city all lit up.

It was breathtaking

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It was breathtaking. I then picked her up bridal style and took the elevator down the tower. We approached the rental car I got and I put her in the car.

I drove back to the hotel. We parked and I pushed the button to take us into our suite. While we were waiting we had some fun.

We had a whole make-out session in the elevator. We kissed and it got deeper.

She had her hands wrapped around my neck and we just kept kissing, then we heard a ding and broke off the kiss. We walked into our room.


I heard the elevator bell ding, giving us the signal that we are in the room. We broke off our kiss and we walked towards the door. I looked at the clock inside the room and it was midnight. We tiptoed inside the room. All we saw was the tv on and someone was watching Family Guy in French.

I peeked over the couch and everyone is passed out. Brendon turned off the tv while I grabbed the blankets and threw them on top of them. We giggled.

I went into my room and got undress to take a shower. I was thinking about Brendon and how awesome the date went and how good the kisses were. I walked into the steaming hot shower and washed myself down. As I'm rinsing my hair out, I heard the door open behind me in the shower and a pair of footsteps coming in. I turned around to see who it was, it was Brendon.

" What in the world are you doing here Brendon?" I asked. Covering myself from Brendon.

" Oh I just missed you, and I wanted to save water, so I hopped in." He said shrugging his shoulders.

Then I felt a hand turning me around and kissing me. I kissed back.

We got out of the shower and I went to put on my PJs and climbed into my bed. I put my phone to charge on the nightstand and turned off the lamp to reveal a pitch black room.

In the middle of the night I felt someone climbing into my bed. I figured it was Poppy.

Well, Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I wrote this in one of my classes, plus had nothing to do so yea. See you guys next week. Much love 😘

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