Poise and Rationality!!

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I woke up to beeping noises surrounding me, it got annoying, and I groaned.

" Can someone please, turn that shit off!!" I yelled.

I felt a hand grasped my hand and rubbed it lightly. Then that person went towards something and clicked on buttons for a bit.

" What seems, to be the problem?" A woman asks.

" Oh, he just woke up and he's complaining about the noise," Scarlett explained.

" ok, here" I heard the beeping die down.

As the beeping died down. I opened my eyes to reveal that I'm at the hospital and Scarlett was holding my hands and the nurse was in there.

"Alright, Mr. Urie how are you feeling?" The nurses asked.

" I'm feeling okay and please call me Brendon. Mr. Urie is my father" I said.

" Alright, Brendon. Do you have any pain?" The nurse questioned.

" No, not really," I said.

" Alright good," the nurse wrote down some notes and left.


I was sitting there on the hospital bed and Brendon finally wakes up and complains about the beeping from the machine. I panicked and pressed the emergency button for the nurse.

The nurse came in and did some evaluation check-up with Brendon. Then she left.

" Babe, do you remember what happened?" I asked holding his hands.

" Uh, no all I remember was blacking out." He said.

" Alright, so you had a fight with Brian at the gender reveal, and well he shot you and fled the scene. Also, you have been in a coma for two months already. " I explained. He got angry when he heard the name, Brian. He tried to get up, but he felt pain. He winced a bit and laid back down.

" Anyways, Poppy has filed a police report on Brian and he's now in jail for a few years or so," I said, feeling relieved. Brendon looked relieved too.

" I'm gonna go see if you can come home now, Okay" Brendon nodded.

I left the room and went to check in with the doctor and they said Brendon could leave now and I filled out the discharge papers and went to Brendon's room to gather him and his stuff.

I walked back into the room. There was no one on the bed. I turn to the window and saw Brendon out of bed with his hospital gown on, standing in front of the window. With a tight grip on the couch. I stood there glad that Brendon was okay.

I let out a chuckle because I could see Brendon's ass sticking out of the hospital gown. The man sure does have an ass and he stared at me while I was laughing my ass off.

" Okay, you're all clear. Babe" I said.

He looked at me and nodded. He limped over to me taking his clothes out of my hand. As he walked away, I smacked him in the ass and he kissed me. He then took his stuff and went into the restroom to change.

I drove home. The puppies were excited to see us they kept running up to our feet. When we sat down they would come over to us and kiss us, mostly Brendon.

I made Brendon a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Pretty much we are just trying to get adjusted back into the lifestyle.

I brought the food over to Brendon. I left for the grocery store and got a few things.

I got up to check on Brendon and took the stuff and put it away. Brendon insists that he wants to put it away, but I won't let him so I snatch it from him and put it away from myself.

I ended up picking a movie to watch with Brendon. I rub my 7 months pregnant belly. Wow, soon these kids are gonna pop out, and boom our world changes again. Speaking of babies Brendon asks me questions.

" Why are you babying me?" He asks.

" Because you are my baby, and the doctor said take it easy" I said.

" Yea, but you don't have to do everything for me. Like, help me go to the bathroom and carry all the groceries by yourself. Like you're pregnant. I should be the one doing it." He said.

" That's because I love you, which is why I choose to do it."

" Plus, you just got out of a coma. Come on Brendon. You can help me when I give birth in a few months Alright." I said. He pouted and rubbed my belly.

He was surprised to feel the babies kick. Though he missed it and we missed New Years"

But I'm thankful that he is still here.

Instead of watching the movie. I end up watching him instead and traced his jawline.

He didn't notice.


I put my hand over Scarlett's belly and I felt kicks. Wow, it was an amazing feeling, feeling those kicks. Those are my children in there.

I'm grateful for still being here and being with my family. I missed New Years' and the first time they kicked. I felt bad for not being there, but I'm more angrier at Brian.

I hate his guts. I hope he rots in there. He was the one who caused me to miss important things.

As I come back to the present time, I feel Scarlett staring me down and then tracing my jawline.
It made me kind of uncomfortable, but I liked it. Plus I love Scarlett so she's probably gonna be the only person I let do this.

I'm glad that she still here through thick in thin. That's why I chose to marry her.

The movie ends and we click it off.

Scarlett made dinner and now she babying me again, but I just let it slide this time.

I just sat at the dining table waiting for her. She notices me and brings the plates over to the table and we sit there eating. After dinner, we talked more about our wedding date, etc.

We decided to do it at a beach. Since none of us is religious. We then planned to do it about 2 years after the babies are born. Why?!?

Well, we decided to have time to ourselves and maybe I'll go on tour and bring the babies with me. Then the babies would be old enough to maybe at least enjoy this moment as well. Plus we will have enough time to plan, etc., and get invitations out.

After talking about that, we decided to put away the dishes this time I decided to get up and help. I pick up the plates and place them gently in the sink and grabbed some water bottles and walked upstairs to our bedroom.

I decided to take a bath. I ran the water and waited for it to be warm more like steaming because Scarlett loves it steaming up the place.

I fill the bathtub up full of water and then light some candles around in the bathroom and dim the lights down. I hop in the bathtub and then Scarlett comes in. I gesture her to come in with me. She climbs into the bathtub and leans on me. I grab the washcloth and made her skin damped. I kissed her from her neck to her chest causing her to moan. I then shampoo her hair then mine and then we both wash it off together.

I wash the scar, not causing any pain. We get up to rinse ourselves off. Then help each other get dress.

Now it's my time to baby her. I picked her up bridal style and placed her gently on her side of the bed and run over to my side of the bed. I kiss her and she moans. I love it when she moans especially with my name. I then snake my arm around her rubbing her belly. I kissed the belly and told those kiddos to go to sleep. Then I kiss Scarlett on the forehead and said goodnight. Then I cuddled into Scarlett's shoulders drifting off into a deep much-needed rest.

AHHH I TRIED TO MAKE IT ROMANTIC HOPEFULLY I DID!! Well, this is the last chapter of this book!! Thank you sooo much for the support!! And I'll be writing the sequel, but I'll publish it later on! But I will be still writing my other story!! Till then Much love 😘!!

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