You'll be Distracted, When I Spike a Punch!!

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I got up and ran downstairs to make breakfast.

I made sure to make a good breakfast. I made scrambled eggs, toast with jam, cereal, and bacon.

I put all those on plates and placed them in a tray and brought it up to the bedroom.

I opened the door slowly revealing Scarlett still in bed sound asleep. I didn't want to bother her, but she had to eat and get ready for our appointment to find out the gender of our child.

I placed the food on the side table near our bed and helped Scarlett sit up in bed.

She groaned at me. I placed the tray on her lap and we sat in bed together eating the breakfast I made.

Scarlett devoured the whole tray. After that, I took the tray back downstairs and helped her shower.

I hopped in the shower and helped her get cleaned up after that we got dressed.

She slow-walked to the car and I helped her as well. I hopped in the car and turned on the engine driving to our appointment.

We met Poppy there because we wanted to surprise ourselves and the family as well.

We sat in the waiting room until they called us.

" Scarlett Rose" a nurse called. We got up and followed her to a room. She took Scarlett's vitals. Then she told Scarlett to lay down on the examining table.

The nurse left. In 5 minutes a doctor arrived he asked us questions if we were excited.

He nodded and checked on the heartbeat of the baby. He looked at us excitedly and smiled.

He asked if we wanted to know immediately or if we wanted to be surprised. We explained that Poppy is the one throwing a gender reveal party.

He nodded and took the picture that had the gender on it and put it into the envelope and handed it to Poppy.

We were excited and anxious. We were glad that our baby was healthy. We thanked the doctor and we left the office.

We went to grab breakfast and did some shopping to help Poppy and Ryan out. They were in charge of decorating and they were doing it at their house.

We got all the food and drinks. We decided that it was a good time to head home and get ready.

I help Scarlett get out of the car and get dressed. I decided to leave the stuff in the car because I'm gonna drop off the stuff at Ryan's and Poppy's house.

As I left my house, I drove to Ryan's and Poppy's house to drop off the stuff and the place had most of the decoration up already.

Then Poppy noticed me and pushed me to my car. She didn't leave until I left.

I drove back home and I was getting dressed in my black jeans, dress shoes and a blue dress shirt.

I went to do my hair and checked on Scarlett she had her hair done and now she was putting on her floral Light Pink dress, she's now putting on her makeup. She looked beautiful as always.



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