Light Up Your Wildest Dreams!!

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Man, I am surrounded by all these people. I think I should get out of this crowd and leave and get something to eat. But I don't want to be rude. Oh well, I turned my head to my right side and I see a gorgeous young woman over there sitting alone at the bar, man what kind of person would leave her alone like that. Though I don't recognize her. Maybe I'll buy her a drink.

" Hello Martin, may I get a Martini for that young lady sitting over there please," I asked the bartender.

" Yea I'll be right on that," he said. Okay, now I just need to get out of this crowd. Oh okay, I'm gonna go to the restroom actually, and see how I look.

Man I've done this before, but except it was from the Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time music video. Hopefully, it doesn't turn out like that. A few minutes later, I'm approached by Zack my bodyguard/security and my best friend about what we have planned for a few days. I just keep nodding and staring at the girl over there. She is now looking back at me, so I shot her a wink. Okay I think I can go over there now.

As I'm slowly approaching her, I could feel her eyes on me. I think she recognizes me by the way her eyes are stuck on my every move.


Man, that guy is coming closer. As he came closer I can recognize him, but I was star-struck. Damn it, the worst time to be acting like this Scarlett. Now he's here sitting next to me. "Fuck it's Brendon Urie, my idol sitting next to me" I whispered to myself.

Damn, he caught me. Then he introduced himself.

"You're B-B-Brendon U-Urie," I said shyly. Man Brendon is even more handsome in person. Dammit, where is Poppy? Then Brendon asks "so what's your name darling?" I gulp down a sip of the drink. Oh my god my idol just asked me what's my name, okay I should answer him instead of hawking at him. Come on Scarlett get your shit together, don't screw this up. " um My name? is Scarlett?" I said, making it sound like a question. I facepalmed myself.

" Wow that's a pretty name, I love it, Scarlett" I was excited. I should ask him if he wants to hang out.

" Hey wanna hang out with me? Maybe get on the dance floor," he asked. I nodded. Then a familiar song came on, Brendon chuckled it was Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time.

Of course, Brendon tried to do a reenactment of the video but minus the arm licking. Being the fangirl I am I knew all the moves, and Brendon was impressed. As the song ended we went back to the seats where we were previously and Poppy joined in. I bought us drinks, the bartender kept eyeing me and asked for my ID so I gave it to him and he looked at me. " Well here you go ma'am, Also Happy Birthday," He said. Brendon was surprised that it was my birthday and he felt bad for not saying anything. He then gathered his stuff and called Zack over to meet us.

"Hey Zack this is Scarlett and her friend Poppy," Brendon said. " I was thinking we should go out to dinner to celebrate Scarlett's birthday, plus I'm getting bored here and I'm starving." Zack nodded.

"Okay we should get going then, uhh there's a restaurant a few blocks from here we can walk over if you want, "I said.
We all agreed to walk and I asked for a picture with Brendon. Brendon noticed that I was rubbing my arms to get warm, so he wrapped me in his jacket.

By the time we got to the restaurant we were starving and we ordered almost the entire menu. Once we finished eating, it was time for dessert 
and of course Brendon had told them it was my birthday and he made it spectacular. We then sang Happy Birthday and I made the face as if I was Brendon when it was his birthday. We all talked, getting to know each other more, by the time we finished it was around midnight and Brendon was exhausted so we decided to call it a day, but before we left we exchanged phone numbers.


I can say that was a wonderful evening. Today was a perfect day. While we headed back to our hotel I texted Scarlett.

Brendon: Hey it's me, Brendon. Ummm thanks for making this night unforgettable!

Scar😉: Nice! No problem you made this an absolute dream come true! If you haven't noticed yet I'm a big fan of you and your music also you are my #1 idol.

Brendon: Oh that's awesome and sweet.
I'm glad that I made this a dream come true for you then! Once again Happy Birthday!!

Brendon: I was wondering if you want to maybe go down to the café tomorrow at 9am? 😌 and we can grab some coffee and hang out before I have to pack up and head back home in a few days.

Scar😉: yea sure 😁

Brendon: see you then, get some rest and goodnight darling😉

All I could think about was meeting Scarlett and how wonderful and precious she is. Then I noticed I've developed a crush on her, hmm love at first sight. I spent an hour daydreaming about my future and if Scarlett would be in it. I didn't notice I fell asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night and checked the clock which was 3 am, so I put my phone to charge and set an alarm at 8 am so that I have time to get stuff and meet Scarlett and then I went back to sleep.

Hey, guys hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Also if you guys want some more action please feel free to comment!! See you guys next Friday!

Much love 😘

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