Just sit Back and Relax!

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A lot has happened lately. So far the tour has been amazing Brendon and I have been dating for three months now. Now the tour is coming to an end. Poppy just left, She's going back to NYC. I decided to go home, but I'm landing in LA, so I'm with Brendon.

I feel the plane land on the ground. Brendon is waking me up. I got into Brendon's car. He drove us to go get some pizza and some cold stone's ice cream.

We arrived at a big house. It was big and beautiful outside. I'm assuming it's Brendon's house. As we pulled up to the house we took our stuff out of the car and carried it into the house.

His house gave off a warm comfy welcome. I stacked my stuff on the floor and Brendon went to go get the food from the car.

The house was big. There was an open kitchen, with a bar counter. There was a nice wooden dining table placed in the middle of the dining room. Then in the lounge area was a beautiful white grand piano. I slid my fingers through all the keys. Then there was a big door with bay windows. I slid the door open revealing a pool and a building, that I assume is the studio. Then I went back inside closing only the screen door. I walk to the game room entertainment center that revealed a large HD tv and a couch, and speakers. Then Brendon walked in bringing all the stuff and setting it on the kitchen table.

We finished eating and we took a shower. Once we finished with that Brendon showed me around the house, though I explored the main part he took me to the laundry room. Where I started a few of my loads. Then we walked upstairs revealing 3 doors. One was a music room filled with instruments. The other room was a guest room I guessed and the other room revealed a large master bedroom. With a King-sized bed that looked modern, a walk-in closet, and a beautiful bathroom. That I was mistaken as a closet because of the doors. Brendon took my stuff and placed it inside of the guest room which was across the hall. We walked back downstairs and down to the hallway that revealed more guest rooms and another game room.

I decided to run back to the laundry and started on a new load. Brendon carried me bridal style and into the game room. It revealed bean bag chairs, a coffee table, a couch, a bed, and a video game set.

Brendon turned on the PS4. He clicked around until we were playing this game called overcooked. It was a fun game. I yawned and looked at the clock it was past 10 pm. I walked into the bedroom and put on a large t-shirt that belonged to Brendon.

Then there was a knock at the door.

" Uh hey Scarlett, you can sleep in here tonight, if you need anything you know where to find me, okay," he said. I nodded I kissed him.

I went to lay in my bed and put my phone to charge. I was scrolling through pictures of all that was taken on the tour. I didn't notice the time, but it was 1 am. I couldn't go to sleep so I walked to Brendon's room. He was completely knocked out in his bed. I shut the door behind me. I went to go lay down next to Brendon and wrapped in his arms. I felt safe, then I dozed off to sleep.


I woke up on the side of the bed feeling cold. I walked into my room and looked at my phone. I got a text. I looked at it and it was from my parents.

Parents 👫: Hey Scar, we were wondering when can we see your sweet face and meet your boyfriend.

I walked down to the kitchen smelling Bacon and Pancakes, Brendon's favorite. I went to sit at the bar counter, I sat there looking at my phone and listening to Brendon sing along to himself. Yes, you heard me right he was singing Panic!'s songs. You would think he would be tired after hearing them and playing them every night for the past three months, but boi was I wrong.

Once he finished he saw me and jumped. I guess I startled him. He poured a cup of orange juice and had a plate full of pancakes and Bacon and brought it over to my counter. We just sat there and enjoyed breakfast.


Making breakfast was fun until Scarlett startled me. I think I was way into my music and didn't notice her. I brought the food over and placed it on the bar counter and sat across from her and ate.

Man, she's so beautiful, just sitting there. I looked up from my plate and all I could see was her glossy Hazel eyes looking at me. Then I had a question to ask her.

" Hey Scar, I know this is too soon, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to live with me. I mean since we've been with each other for three months already." I ask nervously.

She looks down at her phone and looks back at me and nods. I kissed her and she kissed back. All I could taste was the sweet maple syrup. We then continued to eat. We just sat there in silence and admired each other.

" Hey Beebo, I was wondering since I'm gonna move in with you, we should at least get my stuff from my parent's house, and we can meet them and maybe have a day to be together today." She said. I thought for a bit.

"Sure why not then. I would be happy to meet them" I say nervously.

We went back upstairs and got ready then we jumped in the car and we drove straight to San Diego.

Hey guys!! Imma takes this to my hometown, but don't worry there's gonna be some drama coming quick. Alright, thanks for reading. This chapter was detailed because I felt like I needed more details of the scenes so there you go. Adios guys and see y'all next week! Much love 😘!!

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