Boys will Be boys, Baby!!

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We just arrived at my parent's house. We left Brendon's around 8am and it was a 3 hours ish drive from LA down to San Diego. It is 11am when we got there and Brendon brought some gifts for my parents. We were staying the night at my parent's house.

As I knock on the door, I hear footsteps approaching. I look down at my hands and Brendon was holding mines and his hands were sweaty.

" Hey, babe it's okay just be yourself. Im positive they'll love you, like how I do" I said. He nodded and we kissed. The door open to revealing my parents.


The door opens wide reveals a tall man with hazel eyes and wearing glasses and a woman with long brown hair and was wearing a yellow sundress. I assumed they were Scarlett's parents. When they saw us, they welcomed us in.

We sat down and I handed the chocolate and roses to Scarlett's mom Lovie. I then handed the case of beer to her father Paul.

Scarlett had a few conversations with her parents. Then she disappears with our duffel bag and return back to me. Her parents asked who is the gentlemen sitting there with her.

" Oh mom, dad, this is my boyfriend Brendon," she said giving me a peck on the cheeks." It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Rose," I said.

" Oh don't bother, just call us Paul and Lovie" They said.

" Would anyone like some coffee?" I asked. Everyone replied yes. As I got up to go put my shoes back on and grab my keys. I felt a hand on my shoulders. " Figured I should go too, shall we," the man said. It was Scarlett's dad, Paul.


As I'm talking and showing my mom pictures from tour. Brendon got up and left with my dad. I sat there talking to my mom and making plans for today and maybe tomorrow. I wanted to show Brendon my hometowns and where I grew up.

We were making a list of what we explore.

"Old Town we can walk around and take pictures, oh and maybe go to the Whaley house and grab some lunch around there, The beach; Belmont Park, we can do the last two tomorrow maybe. We can maybe go to Sea world today. " I say, my mom just goes along.

I ran into my room and change into my clothes. Some black ripped jeans and a maroon crop top with my black Adidas.

When I came back to the living room. My dad and Brendon just arrived from Starbucks. I informed Brendon of what is happening. I grabbed my purse and phone and ran inside the car.

We drove to Old Town.


We got inside the car and drove off. We then arrived at Old Town. It was beautiful, a lot of history has happened here. We walked around into the tiny shops and museums. We walked into this candy shop where I ran around the place and bought like 3 paper bags full of candy.

We then walked around some more, we then arrived at "America's most haunted house" The Whaley House. It was a crazy experience because it was fun and I was spending some time with Scarlett's family. As we explore the haunted house that got turned into a museum, Scarlett tells me stories about her experiences at the haunted home when she was younger and stories she heard about the place.

Then we walked into this restaurant that was down the block from the haunted house. This Mexican restaurant was called Fred's. We waited for 15 minutes and we got seated after.

We all ordered our food and ate. We were stuffed and I offered to pay.


Someone in the restaurant looked so familiar, but I just shrugged it off. I got up and walked into the restroom. I came out and there he was again who is it. I glanced at him and now I knew who the guy was.

" B-Brian," I said.

He looked at me and smiled.

" Hey Scarlett, I miss you" He said. Hugging me.

" So I see you haven't changed, after hurting me," I said, pushing away from him. "What do you mean? Love" he said.

He then pushed me up against the wall and leaned down on me, pushing my hands beside my head, pinning me. He saw my necklace and looked at it.

" Well, this is nice." He said. Picking it up and examining it."Well my boyfriend gave it to me, and it's from Paris" I hissed in his face. He tried to kiss me so I slapped him, making his head turn to the side.

" You should've been mine" he said. I smacked him again and he smacked me back this time. I was crying now. I don't remember him being like this.

" That's not my problem that you broke my heart. Plus I'm taken so go away" I said, crying. He smacked me again. "That was for the disrespect" he says. He still had me pinned to the wall and he tried kissing. I closed my eyes. I felt him feel lifted off of me, I opened my eyes and Brendon was punching him.

Brendon grabbed me and took me back outside to where my parents were. I was then crying into Brendon's arms. He was shushing me, while wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead.


I just paid the check and Scarlett is not back yet. I got up and went to the restroom.

When I came out, I saw Scarlett being pinned to the wall by this tall dude.

I saw her crying. She was pinned to the wall and her face was red.

I heard her talking " plus I'm taken" she said. Then I saw a hand smack her. I froze there thinking what I should do. Then he still had her pinned and he tried kissing her and making a move on her, that's when I decided to make a move. I pulled him off of her and punched him. All I could see was red.

I ran over to Scarlett, that was on the ground crying and I walked her out. We were standing outside the restaurant with her wrapped in my arms and me trying to calm her down by shushing her tears away and kissing her forehead. Her parents saw us and came over. I took the chance to walk to where our cars were parked.

I picked her up bridal style and put her inside the car. Then I walked out of the car and asked for a moment to talk to her about the situation.
They nodded and went into their car and waited.

I sat back in drivers side in the car and asked Scarlett some questions.

" Please darling, I know you don't wanna talk about it right now. I understand if you're not ready to have this conversation, but please just tell me if you still want to go out and I'll let your parents know." I said to her, holding her hands. She looked at me and nodded. It meant that she still wanted to continue to go out.

I got out of the car and went to Scarlett's parents and told them we are still gonna continue to go out.

We started to drive our next destination was Sea World it now sun down. The lights were on and it looked nice. We went to get snacks and drinks. We then rode on some roller coasters. Then we watched the fireworks it was amazing. I looked into Scarlett's eyes and all I could see was the reflection in her eyes and I kissed her, like madly kissed her.

We drove back to Scarlett's parents house and we stayed the night there.

Hey guys!! I did this chapter to throw some drama, maybe Brian might come back idk yet. Anyway, my ex keeps popping up out of nowhere like where do you come from so yea!! Also hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! See ya next week!!

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