Chapter 3 Four's POV

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I watch as Tris and Chris leave the room.

This is not good.

She's gonna get it.

Unless she can make up a good excuse.

For the cafeteria being covered in food...

Ya... no she can't do that.

"Dude!" I hear someone yell.

I turn around.

"Were you starring and Chris?" Zeke asks.

"No!" I yell.

"So you were starring at Tris?" Uriah asks.

"No! I just watched them walk out and then I started thinking. I just zoned out." I say.

"Sure, so what were you thinking about? Her nice butt or something?" Zeke says.

I punch his arm.

"No! And neither of them have a 'nice butt'" I say.

"Tris has a nice butt! I mean come on she works out and everything!" Uriah says.

"No, Christina is larger than Tris so her butt is larger. I think Christina's butt is WAAAAYYYY better" Zeke argues.

"Seriously! We are suppose to hate them remember?" I say getting mad.

"Hey we never said we liked them. They just have nice butts." Uriah says.

"Ya! Who do you think has a better butt?" Zeke asks.

"Tris but that's not the point." I say.


"OMG! YOU LIKE-" Uriah starts but I cover his mouth.

"I do not, I just agree with you that Tris' is better. Can we stop talking about this?" I ask.

"Fine..." Uriah says when I uncover his mouth.

"Who do you think has better boobs?" Zeke asks.


I just go throw out the food that's left on my tray.

When I come back they are still arguing.

"Shauna's aren't that bad" Zeke says.

"Ya but Marlene's!" Uriah says.





"Shauna!" I say to mess them up.

"Marlene!" Zeke yells.

"Glad you finally agree." Uriah says.

"Hey no fair! Four helped!" Zeke whines.

"Sooooo?" You guys got annoying" I say.

"Who's do you think are better?" Uriah asks.

"Neither" I state.

"Ohhh, no, you like Tris' " Zeke says with an evil smile.


Some people from other tables stare, but when they see who it is they go back to what they were doing.

The bell rings.

"FINALLY!" I say aloud and run to gym.

When I get there I change and do warmups before anyone else can even start them.

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