Chapter 29 Tris' POV

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"OMG PROM IS TOMORROW!" Christina squeals.

"YAY!" Marlene and Shauna scream.

I cover my eyes.

"Guys it's not that big a deal" I say.

"YES IT IS!" The 3 scream.

Lynn and I just sit on my bed, our ears bleeding.

"So show me your dress Tris!" Marlene says.

"Ya!" Shauna agrees.

"Ok" I go to my closet and grab my dress.

"OMG THAT'S SO CUTE!" Shauna and Marlene yell.

"Thanks"  I say.

"Let's see your dresses" Christina says.

"Ok!" They both agree.

Of course they brought their dresses.

Marlene's is a magenta color, short like mine but with one strap.

Shauna's is blue, like Marlene's, but longer, and poofier.

"Those are so cute!" Chris says.

"Ya, you're gonna look gorgeous!" I say.

"Lynn" We all look at her.

"Ok fine! I'm wearing a green dress, but this is only for prom I'm never wearing one again!" She says.


*Friday Night!* *Yes time person is excited too*


I hear a knock at the door.

I open it to see Christina and the other girls.

"Hey!" I say.

"Hi!" They all say.

"SO LET'S GET STARTED!" Christina announces.

"Get your robes on so I can do makeup and hair without ruining your dresses!" She says.

We all do as told.

When I come back Christina stands in front of a stool.

"Who's first?" She asks.

Marlene walks over.

She gets makeup to match her dress.

Then Shauna.

Then me.

Since my dress is black, I keep my makeup simple, black eyeliner and mascara, pink lipstick.

Lynn only gets eyeliner and a tiny bit of mascara.

Christina does her own, and then we get our hair done.

Marlene's is put into a fancy bun.

Shauna's is straightened, then her bangs are pulled back and clipped behind her head.

Mine is curled, but only a little, so it's wavy.

Lynn just keeps it straight.

Christina's (being short) is just curled into ringlets.

Then we put on our dresses.

Lynn looks so cute!

"OMG Lynn!" We all scream.

"Shut up" She says, putting on converse,

We all put on heels.

Mine are silver.

"Alright I think we're ready!" Christina announces.

There's a knock at the door.

"Right on time!" She says answering the door.

All the boys are there.

They walk in, finding their girl.

Uriah compliments Marlene.

Zeke stares at Shauna.

Will also compliments Christina.

My brother comes down the stairs.

"You guys look great" He says before running out the door with his tux.

"Wonder who he's taking?" I say.

Four walks over, being the only one not in front of a girl.


"Where's your date?" He asks.

"I told him to come AFTER you guys were gone." I say.

"You're embarrassed by us?" He asks smirking.

"Not exactly" I'm more embarrassed by him.

"Oh." He says.

"Ready to go?" Zeke asks.

They all nod.

"See you later Tris!" Chris says walking out.

They all leave, except Four.

"Good luck" He says and walks away.

I watch as he walks out, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell did that mean?" I say out loud.

I wait for a few minutes.

Finally there's a knock at the door.

"FINALLY!" I say.

I open the door.

"Tris, long time no see. You look beautiful" He says,

"It has been a while, and you don't look too bad yourself" I say.

He chuckles.

"Shall we go?" He asks.

"Sure" I say.

We walk to his car and get in.

I forgot the good times with him.

All the way to prom we blast the radio and sing along.

One of the songs is "All About That Bass".

It reminds me of that time with Four.

I mentally sigh,

"Alright we're here" He says parking.

"Ok" He opens the door for me and I get out.

"Thanks" I say.

We walk up to the entrance.

"Ready to go, Tris?" He asks.

"Ya, Eric"

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