Chapter 16 Tris' POV

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*Friday Night Sorry I skipped yesterday night and today*

I'm in the middle of changing when there's a knock at the door.

Probably Christina.

"Come in! I'm upstairs!" I say putting my leggings on.

The door opens right as I take my shirt off.

But it's not Christina.


"Oh sorry, I didn't know" He starts.

"No it's fine I thought you were Christina." I say.

I quickly put my shirt on.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"Oh uh... I just wanted to know if you were still going to the party tonight" He stutters.

"Ya, why?" I ask.

"I, uh, just wanted to know if we could go together?"  He asks.

"Um, sure but Christina was gonna come over as you know and we were gonna get ready together." I say.

"Oh that's fine, I can pick you up later?" He says.

"Sure, see you then" I say.

"Oh hey Christina" I hear Four say from outside my room.

"Ya, hi" Chris says running in.

"So... WHAT WAS THAT! And why are you wearing leggings with the shirt you wore today, what happened to your shorts?" Chris asks.

"Oh I was in the middle of changing and I heard a knock. I thought it was your so I just said to come up, but it was Four." I explain.

"Wait in the MIDDLE of changing?" Christina says smirking.

"Well he saw me in my bra, but I'm use to it from changing at sports" I say shrugging.

"But was he ok with it? Did anything seem different?" Chris asks.

"He stuttered, but I thought it was because he was nervous to ask me out." I say.

"HE ASKED YOU OUT?" Chris sqeals.

"Well, no, he asked if I wanted to go to the party with him." I say.

"That's kinda asking you out." Chris says.

"Not how he out it, I don't think..." I say.

"Just get me ready." I say.

"Ok, but is that the shirt you were gonna wear?" She asks pointing to a t-shirt on my bed.

"Ya why?" I ask.

"You need to dress SEXIER!" Chris says.

"Why!" I whine.

"Because Four will be there!" Chris says.

"SOOO?" I ask.

"So? You guys kinda have a thing for eachother!" I say.

"No we don't!" I yell.

"Whatever, wear this" Chris says handing me a strapless black dress and a black crop-top jacket.

(A/N I don't know what you'd call the jacket so don't judge...)

I groan and out it on.

Christina puts her dress and does our make-up.

We walk downstairs and hear a knock.



Why am I excited?

Because it's a party... duh...

"Hey Four" I say opening the door.

He just stares at first.

Christina snaps her fingers.

He shakes his head and puts on his signature smirk.

"Hey. ready to go?" He asks.

"Yup!" Me and Chris say.

Christina walks out and I follow, but Four stops me.

"You look good, Tris" He says.

(Yes I just went there and put a book quote make like a pickle and DILL WITH IT!)

I blush and get in the passenger seat.

Chris drives in her car.

We get to Zeke's house and knock on the door.

Uriah answers.


Everyone sits in the living room.

There's only one seat left on the couch and Four sits in it.

"You can sit on my lap" He suggests smirking.

"I'm good with the floor." I say.

"You might not want to, people will see up your dress." Chris says.

I groan. 

I forgot to put shorts under this for truth or dare.

"Fine" I mumble.

I sit on Four's lap.

"So, how about some traditional truth or dare?" Zeke announces.

"Not everyones here though." Christina says.

Everyone is here, and they all stare.

"Remember? Caleb, Cara, and Will" She says.

As if on cue they walk in.

"Greetings" Caleb says.

When he sees my his eyes widen.

"Tris, may I ask what your doing?" He asks.

"Well I can't sit on the floor or people will see up my dress." I mumble.

"Have Four sit on the floor then." Caleb says.

"Can't, people will see up my shorts." He says.

Caleb sighs, and sits on the floor with Cara.

Will sits on the floor next to Christina.

"Alright, let the games, begin!" Zeke says.

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