Chapter 25 Four's POV

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*Still Friday. One week until prom*

The waiter comes back with our food.

He hands me a plate.

"That was mine" Zeke says.

"Oh I'm sorry" Cameron gives a smile that makes my blood boil and switches our plates.

He then gives Tris her plate.

"Thank you" She smiles at him.

"Didn't he mess up your order?" I whisper

"No, he didn't" Tris whispers back.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" He asks, mostly looking at Tris.

Everyone shakes their head and says no.

The waiter still looks at Tris.

"No, I think I'm good, thank you" She says.

"Ok, have a nice meal" Cameron says before walking away.

I could've swore he winked.

Tris must've thought so too, because she blushes again.

She quickly covers her face with her hair, but I still saw.

I begin eating, trying to ignore whatever random emotion I'm feeling.

"Hey Four, the meat is already dead, you don't have to kill it." Christina says.

I realize I've been dramatically trying to stab my steak.

"Right" I get the steak on my fork and eat it.

I try to eat normally.

"Hey Four, are you ok?" Marlene asks.

"Ya, I'm fine" I say starring at my plate.

"No you're not, you're-" Lynn starts.

"JEALOUS!" Everyone except Tris and I yell.

"No I'm not!" I say.

"Then why do you hate Cameron?" Uriah asks.

"I don't." I say.

"Ya, you do" Shauna says,

"So, maybe I know him from somewhere" I say.

"Please, you've never seen him before in your life. I know, I was there for like half of it" Zeke says.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter" I say, continueing to eat.

"It does, if Tris likes you back" Will whispers.

"Who said I like Tris?" I say.

"No one, it was inferred as soon as you got jealous." Will says.

"I didn't get jealous! I'm not jealous. And I never will be!" I say.

I get up, putting my napkin on the table.

"I'm going to the restroom" I say.

I walk to the bathroom and stand in front of a mirror.

"I don't like Tris, she hates me" I say.

I was my face with cool water.

"Se hates me, I would have no chance" I say.

"But it doesn't matter because I don't like her, like that. I do like her.  But she hates me" I say looking in the mirror.

"I better go back out before that wonder what's wrong." I say to myself.

I dry my face and walk back to the table.

"There he is. We were just talking about you! All good things, all good things!" Zeke says.

"Frozen is only cute when Tris does it" I mumble.

"What was that?" Zeke asks.

I can see Tris stare at me from the corner of my eye.

Dangit, she probably heard.

"So, anyone up for dessert?" I ask, changing the topic.

'ME!" The Pedrad brothers both raise their hands.

Marlene and Shauna giggle.

"Someone's got a crush!" Christina sqeals.

"No I don't!" Both girls say.

"uh-huh" Christina says smirking.

Marlene and Shauna blush.

 "Wait what? You guys have a crush on dessert? Us too!" The brothers say.

Marlene and Shauna 'facepalm', still blushing.

The waiter comes back.

"How are you guys doing?" He asks.

"Awesome!" Christina says.

"We're finished" Uriah and Zeke say.

"It was really good" Marlene says.

"Great! Would you guys like any dessert?" He asks.

"Yes!" Chris says.

"Absolutely!" Zeke exclaims.

"Alright, what would you like?" Everyone orders their dessert.

"Alright I'll be back with your dessert and your check." He says."

"I surprisingly had fun tonight" Tris says.

"Surprisingly?" I ask.

"Well, I didn't want to come" She says.

"Because I was gonna be here?" I ask, slightly disappointed.

"Well kinda, just because I didn't exactly want to go out." She says.

"Oh" I say.

"That's gotta hurt." Zeke says.

"What? I don't care. I know she hates me so it's not surprising" I say.

"I don't hate you" Tris mumbles to herself.

I'm not sure I was suppose to hear, but I did.

I smile a little.

Cameron comes with our dessert and we begin to eat.

After paying, we leave.

Tris wouldn't let us have the bill, so we all just handed her money.

Cameron probably wrote his phone number.

She is probably going to call him.

They are probably gonna talk.

They are probably going to go out.

She is probably gonna fall for him.

He is probably going to ask her out.

"Four?" Zeke asks.

"I look up and realize we're at my house.

"Oh, right, sorry. See you tomorrow" I say getting out of the car.

I run up to my room.

Can't be jealous

Can't be jealous

Cant't be jealous

Can't ...



I'm jealous.

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