Chapter 22 Four's POV/Tris' POV

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I walk in to school and see Tris.

Obviously she hates me, and doesn't trust me, and isn't going to prom with me.


Should I ignore her?

Is she ignoring me?

I decide to just go to my locker and forget about Tris.

But then Zeke comes over, an evil look on his face.

"Remember when I would always try to get you to go on double dates?" He asks.

"Ya, I'm not doing that again." I say, opening my locker.

"Aww. Well anyways, What if I were to say I got you a date for prom?" Zeke asks.

"Oh god, no, please not one of those sluts." I whine.

"No, better." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"You'll see" He says rubbing his hands menacingly.

"i'm not going with a prostitute" I say.

"Dude I'm not that low" Zeke says.

"Ok... but she better be ready when I say I don't want to go with her" i say.

"IF you don't" Zeke says.

"Whatever" I say.

I grab my stuff and shut my locker.

I walk to class, sitting in my usual spot.

Tris sits next to me.

"Did you find another date to prom?" She asks, catching me off guard.

"Ya, you? Or are you not going?" I ask.

"I actually did." She says.

I stare surprised.

She found another date.

And she's going.

And I still might do the revenge, because of Zeke, not because I want to.

Or do I want to?

NO, how could I do that to her!

"Uh, Four?" Tris asks.

"Oh, sorry" I say, realizing I was staring.

"It's fine" She giggles.

Why is she so happy today?

I thought she hated me.

She must've thought that too, because her face quickly goes blank, and she looks up at the teacher.

Hmm, weird.

Oh well.

The teacher begins talking and I quickly take notes.


Tris' POV


Why am I acting like this?

I'm suppose to hate Four!

I push the thought aside and begin writing.




"Hey Christina" I say, sitting next to her at our new table.

"Hi!" She says.

I begin eating lunch.

"Did you find a new date for prom?" She asks after a few minutes.

"Ya, I don't want to talk about it. Him. But I did" I say.

"Awww. Please tell me who!" Chris whines.

"No, you'll see at prom. Speaking of, I wanted to talk to you about Four." I say.

"What about?" She asks.

"Well I'm trying to hate him but-" I start.

"But you are having a hard time because everything he says is cute or hilarious for some reason and you can't stop giggling?" She asks.

"Wow, exactly" I say.

"Honey" Chris puts a hand on my shoulder.

"That's called having a crush." She says.

"I don't have a crush on Four, do I?" I ask.

"YESSS YOU DOOO!" Chris sqeals.

"Take it down a notch, I don't need anyone hearing, especially not Four. Look, maybe I have a crush, maybe not. But I don't need people thinking I do." I say.

"Fine" Chris says disappointed.

"FourTris" She whispers with a smile.

"Shutup" I say punching her arm.

"What! I'm a fangirl" She says.

"Well  make like a fangirl and go stay in you room by yourself and don't talk to anyone." I say.

"Hey that was hurtful" She puts a hand over her heart.

"Whatever" I say and we both laugh.


I get home and go to my room.

I involuntarily go on twitter and start a post.

How do you tell if you have a crush on someone? #confused

Dangit I just posted that!Now what do I do?

Let's just hope no one thinks it's Four.

Christina: Depends on the person *wink*  *wink*

Me: Shut up!

Marlene: Ooohh who is it? Spill!

Shauna: Tell us!

Me: Nope not saying. It was just a question.

Uriah: OH come on girl! Who is it!

Everyone: ...

Uriah: What?

Me: Look I was just asking I'm not telling anyone, especially you Uriah.

Zeke: And me!

Uriah: Why won't you tell me? Is it me? *wiggles eyebrows*

Me: NO! EW!

Zeke: Me?


Zeke: effensive.

Shauna: Why can't you tell us?

Me: Well for one, because we're on the internet.

Marlene: Tell at school

Christina: I'll tell them!

Me: No don't! I don't even know if I like them. I said, 'how can you tell if you have a crush?'.

Christina: I already told you. when you laugh at like everything they say.

Me: I laugh at what everyone says.

Christina: No, you don't

Me: Whatever

Christina: You have a crush

Me: Ok fine, I do...

Me: I have a crush

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