Chapter 8 Four's POV

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So that plan didn't work I think as I look at my phone screen.

Call has been ended

"Great now what!" Zeke yells frustrated.

"Hey! Two things. 1.This is my problem not yours. 2. It's ok, we have all the time we need. I didn't expect her to tell me everything about her the second we became 'friends'" I say making finger quotations.

"Fine. But it is kinda my problem. I was thinking about it and then I remembered the time when she turned on the broken water fountain and it squirted my pants. Everyone laughed and thought I peed my pants. And then looked all inicent and said 'I'm sooo sorry! I didn't know it was broke I was just trying to get a drink!' Drink my butt!" Zeke complains.

"You know she's not that bad. She's really nice when your on her good side. And I doubt she even saw you there. I'm sure it was an accident." I say. 

Crap, I'm trying to get revenge not start to like her! 

Being friends is just fake, we are not and never will be friends.

"Oh no" is all Uriah says.

"Shit, shit shit shit!" Zeke yells.

"What?" I ask.

"Your starting to like her!" They both yell.


"No, I was just saying." I start

Shutup or they will know you like her

I DON'T LIKE HER! And who's this? 

Your conciounce.

(A/N Comment if you've read the fanfic with Spiderman. You'll know what I mean if you've read it.)

What do you want? I'm busy.

I came to help.

Well your not helping.

"Four? Hello?" Zeke says waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. Can we just drop this? I don't like. In fact, I HATE her" I lie.

You just lied.


You lied about hating her.


Don't worry it's not like everyone knows.

"Umm hello? Talking to yourself!" Uriah says.

"Shit" I mumble.

"Uh, just messing with you. Ha ha! Now umm I have homework so bye!" I say walking out.

Nice going!

Oh shutup will you?

This is your fault!

No it's yours.

"I'm talking to myself" I say to myself before shutting up and going home.


The next day at school


I walk in and see Tris.

She waves at me and I ignore it.

Only she can know we're friends

Which we're obviously not.

But still I don't want the whole school kno-

My thoughts are interupted by Zeke.

"HI BUDDY! HOW IS YOU AND YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND?" He yells wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh shutup up will you? She's not my girlfriend!" I say then whisper "She's not even my friend."

I look over to Tris. She looks a little hurt? 


"Dude your starring at Tris." Uriah says nudging me.

"Sorry I was just think, about how much I hate her!" I say.

Tris and her friends walk to class.

I follow close behind and try to hear what they're saying.

"Oh come on Tris. You don't just stare at people" Shauna says.

"I'm generally interested in people." Tris says but she sounds like she's lying.

"I think Tris has a crush!" Christina says.

"I do not! I just think it's weird that Four, the guy who's hated me since I can remember, suddenly wants to be friends with me. Right after I beat him!" Tris says.

"Maybe he realized how god you were" Lynn suggests.

"Or how hot you are!" Chris says.

"Shutup!" Tris says punching her lightly in the arm.

"She definatley has a crush" Shauna says.

"Do not! We're just friends!" She says.

"Do too!" Chris says.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"You know what, I'm not doing this I need to get to class" Tris says walking into the classroom.

I wait a few minutes before walking in.

I sit behind Tris.

Zeke sits next to me.

"Spying on Tris I see." He whispers a little too loudly. 

I see Tris smirk.

"No, just sitting behind her." I say.

"Ya behind her" He says.

"Oh shutup!" I say.

"Oh but I wasn't done. You sat behind her so you can stare at her and she won't notice, didn't you?" He says.

"NO! I sat behind her because there is a chair here, and there are people sitting in the other chairs." I argue.

"Well up until a few minutes ago no one was sitting in this chair." Zeke says.

The bell rings.

Thank God.

Saved by the bell.

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