Chapter 7 Tris' POV

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A/N Check out the video to the right (or above) I love this song and it goes good with this story because they're all popular in different groups and stuff. But back to the story!

"So what do we have to do again?"

"Oh simple! We have to, uhh" I begin to explain.

I start reading our instructions.

"Ok so we have to write a short story." I say.

"Sounds simple enough." he says.

"Not quite, did you listen when she was explaining?" I ask.

"Not really why?" He asks.

"Because aparently this project is mixed with Spanish..." I say.

"So?" he says.

"Well we have to write the WHOLE story in spanish" I say.

Four groans.

"Let's just type it then copy it onto google translate." He suggests.

"Please that'll never, wait that could actually work! Four having a good idea? Unheard of!" I joke.

"Hey I can be a nerd when I want" Four says.

"Uh ha ok let's get started." I say and begin reading the assignment again.

"Says we need to have 2 main characters, and they have to overcome a problem, but that's all. The rest is original." I explain.

"Ok." He says.

We begin writing it.

Apparently it can be as long as we want as long as it's more than 500 words.


My teacher didn't much effort into this project.


Easier for me!

After a while of coming up with a plot we finally agree.

"So now characters" I say.

"How about me and you?" Four suggests.

"Ya but we should rename ourselves" I say.

"Ok, I'll be... ummm. How about Theo." He says.

"Cool. I want a really cool name."

I go online and look for cool names until I finally spot one.

"Shailene!" I yell.

(A/N I Know I'm so cool! Just wait! I'm actually going to write the story! give ideas for setting plot etc. below! Well back to the story!)

"IN AUSTRALIA!' Four yells.

"Why Australia?" I ask.

"Because, these kind of stories always take place in like NYC, why not Australia?" He says

"True" I agree.

(A/N Sorry for another note just wanna say I'll be giving little hints as to what the story is about like that they are almost always in NYC or something.)

We begin to write the simple events, then detail them a little more.

We have all week to write it so we decide to save the rest.

"Alright well I'll see you tomorrow" I say and walk out.

"wait!" Four yells.

"what?" I ask turning around.

"Umm do you wanna-nevermind bye." He says.

"Ok" I say

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to eat dinner with us but my dad, is, umm, having company. Sorry!" He stutters.

"Oh ok bye" I say and walk home is convieningly right down the road.

"Weird I say to myself as I walk into my house.

I go upstairs and begin reading.

Then my phone rings.


"Hello?" I say answering the phone

"Oh uh hi!" Four says.

"Smooth Dude" A background voice says.

"What I didn't think she'd answer" Four whispers.

"Whatever just get the info" Another voice says.

"Ok Ok!" Four whispers.

I knew it!

"Hey, are you busy?" Four asks.

"No not at all why?" I ask.

"Just wanted to talk since we never really did at my house." he says.

"Ok? what about?" I ask.

"You" He says.

"Ok what do you want to know?"

"I don't know tell me about, you parents." he says

"Typical" I reply.

Saying their nice could ruin me.

Saying their mean could kill me.

Saying their rich will make me a snob.

Saying they aren't will make me poor.

"What do they do for a living?" Four asks.

"Oh you know. Ones a normal business worker the other is a doctor." I say.

"Oh so you must have lots of money" four says.

I can sense his smirk throught the phone.

"Nope just regular. We aren't poor but we aren't spoiled rich." I answer.

I hear him groan.

"She's not answering them right!" He whisper/yells.

"Well what'd you expcect for her to just follow the script?" The background voice says.

"No but Zeke this is pointless if we can't get anything out of her!" Four whispers.

He must be talking to Zeke and Uriah.

"Well give her some time to trust you" The other voice-Uriah says.

"Umm Four?" I say.

"Oh sorry that was my-dad ya my dad! He asked about, dinner?" He says.

He sucks at lying.

"Oh ok. So what about you? What do your parents do?" I ask.

"I told you my dad works for government and my mom... She died!" He says.

I hear gasps.

"Why would you tell her that!" Zeke says.

"Shit! I panicked!" Four says.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I say.

I can't use that against him, that's just cruel.

I speak up before he can.

"Well I have to go, bye." I say.

"What wait no!" Uriah says.

"She can't just hang up thinking that your mom died!" Zeke says.


Call Ended

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