Chapter 15 Four's POV

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(A/N) This is the third dress the Tris like for prom (Up or Left). The blue one was on my last pot and the magenta one was on the extention thing of the last chapter.)


I walk into the lunch room and walk toward my normal table, but something is, off.

I look around. 

More people?

There is two more boys and one more girl. One sits very close to Tris. The other boys is on the other side of him, and the girl is next to that boy.

I walk over sitting next to Uriah and Zeke.

"Hi?" I awkwardly say. 

I then realize who is next to Tris.


For some reason I feel realief, but also angry.

"Hello Four" Caleb says, in his mature accenty-thing that's super annoying.

"Oh, Four, you weren't when I explained why Caleb is here. This morning we decided to settle the war, and for the last year of high school, Caleb would be the brother I never had." Tris explains.

Caleb glared at me the whole.

"It's BIG Brother to you, I was born first. And you've always had a big brother, I just wasn't nice. Also I didn't protect you as I shoud've" caleb says spitting the word 'protect' right at me as if it were a weapon.

"Protect? From what? I'm like the toughest girl in this school!" Tris complains.

"Not when you're against the toughest boy in school" Caleb argues.

"Hey! I would never do anything to her." I protest. 

The sentence send chills throught me because I know I will have to do something to her at prom.

Not physically at least.

But that makes it worse doesn't it?

"I was simply giving an example, Four, how about you talk to your idiot friends and leave us to our conversation." Caleb says.

I curl my hands into fists, closing them so hard my knuckles get white.

"Hey! We're not idiots! I got an F on my test today!" Uriah argues.

"Ya an F stands for Fantabulous, what did you get?" Zeke asks.

"A+" Caleb states.

"Pfft, that's NOTHING!" Zeke says, laughing.

"Stop making fun of them! They're my friends! If you are going to be a brother you have to be nice to my friends." Tris yells.

"Friends! PLEASE! Remember that conversation we had about them the other night?" Caleb says.

I can't help but be curious as to what they were talking about.

"What conversation?" I ask.

"The one where we said you couldn't be-" Caleb starts.

Tris covers his mouth with her hand.

Caleb begins tugging on her arm but she is too strong.

"DUDE JUST BITE HER!" Uriah chants.

"Am Gem erms aww oer my tomgue?" He mumbles.

"huh?" We all say.

"Translation: And get germs all over my tongue?" She says, mimicking Caleb in an annoying high-pitch voice.

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