Chapter 26 Tris' POV

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Monday morning I walk into school with Christina.

I slept at her place last night because, why not, and of course she went on and on about my crush.

Speak of the angel.

Four walks down the hallway.

"Hey Four!" Christina yells.

"Great" I mutter.

He walks over to us.

"Hey Chris!" He says.

"Oh, hey Tris" He says less enthusiastically.

"Hey" I say.

"So, how's your boyfriend." He asks.

I almost choke.

"What boyfriend?" I say.

"That Cameron guy" He says looking at a wall.

"Since when is Cam my boyfriend?" I ask.

"You just called him Cam" He says.

"So? He has a long name" I say.

"So, if I told you my real name would you go around calling me-" Four stops.

"Whatever, it's not like it matters to me if you have a boyfriend." He walks away.

Christina begins coughing.

But then I notice that in between she said 'jealous'.

"He's not jealous" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Is he?"




At lunch we sit at our normal table.

"Have you talked to Four?" Marlene asks.

"This morning, but not after that, why?" I ask.

"He seems pretty upset" She says.

"I wonder why" Shauna says.

"Ya, I wonder" Lynn says sarcasticly.

"Idiots" she mumbles.

"Hey!" Everyone says but Lynn and I.

I sigh.

"I don't know why. It's weird." I say.

"Seriously none of you have caught on?" Lynn says.

Christina jumps up.

"Ou Ou pick me!" She raises a hand in the air.

"Seriously no one?" Lynn asks,

"I do! I know!" Christina sqeauls.

"Marlene? Shauna? No one?" Lynn sighs.

"Me! Me, Christina! I know!" Chris yells.

"Tris?" Lynn asks.

I smirk.

"well, then" Lynn starts.

"Me! Come on Lynn pick me!" Chris whines.

"I'll just have to say it" Lynn says.

"AWWWW!" Chris says as she sits down and pouts.

"Four, is jealous" Lynn says.

Everyone gasps.

"Omg I know so surprising!" Lynn says like a girl (Not that she isn't one).

"So, if Four is jealous" Shauna starts.

"And Tris likes him" Marlene adds.

"That means" Chris says.


"No way! You are not telling him!" Lynn says.

"Thank goodness!" I sigh.

"WHY NOT?" They all whine.

"Because" Lynn starts.

I look at her.

"That's for Tris to do. Or for Four to do. Not us, we can't get involved." Lynn says.

"Huh?" I freeze.

The girls sqeaul.

"Go confess your love Tris!" Marlene screams.

"Ya! Go tell him how you feel!" Chris says.

I look over at the boys table. 

Four stares at me, scowling.

When he sees me he quickly looks away.

"Guys shut up they will hear!" I say.

"Too late for that" Lynn mumbles.

I go to throw out my trash.

As I walk by the boys table, I duck my head.

"Uggh! Did you hear! 'Go confess your love!'. Tris is probably gonna go tell that to 'Cam'" Four complains, mimicking us.

"Who cares?" Zeke asks.

"Me! Because!" Four stops.

"Because you love her?" Uriah asks.

"What? No, b-because... because she can't have a boyfriend! It'll ruin my revenge plan" Four says.

I can tell he's lying.

So why does he care? 

Can he be....?

No, of course he isn't

He could never be, but could he?

I walk back to my table.

"SOOO?" Everyone asks.

"So what?" I ask.

"So, so what?" Chris asks.

"So so what? I'm still a rock star. I got my rock moves. And I don't need you" I sing.

"Really?" Lynn asks.

"I had to." I smile.

"So what were the guys saying." Shauna asks.

"Nothing" I lie.

"Tris..." Chris says.

Dang lie detector.

"Fine, they over heard our conversation" I sigh.

"So he knows you like him?" Marlene asks really loud.

"SHHH! No! He thinks I'm talking about Cam" I whisper.

"So, is that good or bad?" Shauna asks.

"BAD!" I say.

They look confused.

"It's bad because, if you were right, then he was already mad at Cam. Now he'll be even worse." I say.

"Ohhh" They all say.

"So?" Chris asks.

"You barely know Cam"  Marlene says.

"But I don't want him to get beat up!" I say.

"True" Shauna says.

"So what do we do?" Chris asks.

"Tell him you weren't talking about Cam, and he'll know you like him, or think it's another guy. Don't tell him, and Cam possibly gets hurt" Lynn says.

"What do I do!" I say.

"Well, there's kind of only one option." Lynn says,

"Obviously" Marlene says.

"It's for the best" Shauna says.

Christina puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Tris, your gonna have to..."

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