Chapter 10 Four's POV

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Tris and I finish our homework and begin packing up our stuff.

"You know, Four, if you'd like you can stay for dinner."

(Four's father isn't abusive but he is a little cruel, a LITTLE)

I think about it for a second.

"I think my father is a dinner with one of his worker friends, so sure why not." I reply.

Her parents can give me information I need for my revenge.

Seriously? You still want revenge? You're like in love with her!

What no I am NOT in loev with her I HATE her!

Well face you at LEAST want to be friends, she is so cool, and you have a lot in common.

No! Wait why am I having a conversation with myself?

"Four?" Tris asks.

"Oh sorry, just double checking. My dad is DEFINATLEY at someone elses house tonight so I can stay." I say with a smile.

"Good" she says. "So you wanna do something until then?"

"Sure what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Umm, we can watch TV, play video games." She lists.

"What video games?" I ask.

"Minecraft, Call of Duty, Gears of War, GTA 5" She starts.

"GTA 5?" I yell/ask.

"Ya?" she says.


"Mine too?" She says almost questioning.

Another thing in common.

Oh shutup!

"Let's go!" I say running to TV and turning on her Xbox.

I grab a controller and she grabs one that has a fancy cover.

We start up the game and begin playing.

She beats me.


"Same way I did at the basketball game, it's not just about being strong or 'good'. You have to be smart, have strategy." She explains.

It reminds me of my mission.

Forget the mission.

"That easy huh?" I ask smirking.

She blushes.

"Ya, pretty much." Tris says almost a whisper.

"Then you wouldn't mind telling me how?" I say.

"Well," She explains her whole strategy of how she won.

"Then I do this secret thing I learned from online." She finishes.

"and what's that?" I ask.

"well you press all 4 top bottons. Like this" She reachs over and puts her hands on mine.

Tris puts my fingers where they're suppose to be and clicks on all four of the bottons underneath my fingers.

I already know how I've done it tons before but I think it's cute that she's showing me so I let her.



She moves he hands but her body is still inches away.

I look into Tris' eyes and she looks into mine.

We're only inches away, so close we could kiss.

But no, I hate her, and she probably only likes me as a friend.

"Umm," She breaks the silence.

"When you press the bottons your player does this." She says quickly moving away and grabbing her controller.

"Cool" I say smirking.

"Let me see if my parents are ready for dinner. I think they got home while we were doing homework." She says running down.

I slowly follow.

"Hey mom! I was wondering if Four could stay for dinner?" Tris asks.

I stay on the stairs while she walks into the kitchen.

"Of course sweetie. You and Four are starting to get really close arent you?" Her mom says.

"No! We're just friends!' She quickly says.

"Ok, ok" Tris' mom holds up her hands in surrender.

I walk in.

"Hello Mrs. Prior" I say as politley as possible.

I'm not sure why I'm so polite, I have no one to impress.

"Why hello Four! How are you?" Mrs. Prior asks.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good thank you for asking." She says.

"OH! Dinner is almost done why don't you guys set the table." She adds.

I help Tris set the table.

Mr. Prior comes in with burgers and Mrs Prior comes in with other foods.

Well, if I want my revenge, then I need that information.

It's now or never.

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