Chapter 12 Tris' POV

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"Four wait up!" I call out as he runs out of my house and down the street.

Lucky for me I'm also a fast runner.

I quickly catch up and run next to him.

"It was a while ago just make like Elsa and Let it Go!" I say

(A/N I'm sorry I just had to put that! If you don't like Frozen make like a pickle and Dill with it! I have a lot of stupid catch phrases like that so get use to it!)

"FROZEN! MY ONLY WEAKNESS!" He says falling to his knees.

"Oh Princess Anna! I'll do anything! Just don't tell your sister! I don't want to be an icicle!" He pleads.

"Oh Hans! If only there were someone who loved you!" I say.

"Hey! So you don't love me! I am insulted!" Four says getting up.

"If Anna said that in the movie and slapped him what do you think would've happened?" I ask.

"He'd bitch-slap her back and say 'EAT MA SHIT!'" Four says.

"Timmy Fell Down The Well?" I ask.

"Ya I watch it every now and then" He says and we laugh.

"Who's your favorite youtuber?" I ask.

"PEWDIEPIE!" He says in his best impression of Pewdiepie.

"Mine too! But I also love Jenna Marbles." I say.

"Yaassss bae yasss!" He says.

We both laugh until our stomachs hurt and end up walking home forgeting all about Eric.

"She's hot" Four says.

"Who Jenna?" I ask.

"Ya" He says.

"WAIT!" He interupts my thoughts making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Ariana Grande is hotter." He says.


I scowl and continue walking.

"Jealous?" Four asks.

"NO! Why would I be jealous? All you said was that some stupid girls were hot!" I say.

"Stupid? Really? Because I'm pretty sure you LOVE Ariana Grande." He says with that signiture smirk.

"Whatever" I say walking faster.

"You know I tricked you." He says after a while.

I stop.

"I don't think Ariana's hot. I mean she is but I'm not in love with her or anything. I knew you liked her. So I said she was hot to see your reaction." He explains.

My face turns red.

"I'm" I start.

"Gonna" I say turning around.

"KILL YOU!" I scream running at him.

He runs out of the way and I chase him to my house.

When we get to my house he's about to open the door but I jump on his back.

"Never play a trick on me again." I say playfully choking him.

Maybe not so playfully.

"uh... ha" He says coughing.

"Good" I say and jump off.

He gasps for air.

"It's late, I should, head, home" He says between heavy breaths.

"Ok, see you tomorrow!" I say waving and going inside.

I watch him walk down the street, then head to my room.

I put on something comfy then plop onto my bed and read Fangirl.

After a while I go on my laptop and begin watching Youtube.

"You and Four have a lot in common." A voice says.

I look at my door.

It's closed.

Someone stands in front of it.


"I guess" I say looking back at my computer.

"He's using you, you know." Caleb says.

I look up and he's closer to the bed.

"Ya, revenge." I say.

"YA, that but" He starts.

"But what?" I ask. 

He right next to me now.

"Probably wants to get some girl jealous." Caleb says.

"Oh please, it's Four we're talking about. He doesn't date, he's too busy with sports." I say.

"Right, stupid of me to think that." he says.

"Then," Caleb starts.

He gets close to my ear and whispers.

"Why does he have time for you?" He asks.

"You know why, revenge" I say.

"Yes, yes, but even revenge wouldn't be as important as sports, like you said,' it's Four we're talking about. He doesn't date. he's too busy with sports.'" He says.

Caleb stands up and walks out of the room.

I let his words sink in.

But even revenge wouldn't be as important as sports.

It's Four we're talking about.

He doesn't date, he's too busy with spots.


Why does he have time.

for you?

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