Chapter 9 Tris' POV

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The bell rings for 1st period.

I keep thinking about this morning.

Hi BUDDY HOW IS YOU AND YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND? Zeke's voice echoes in my mind.

I think Tris has a crush! Christina says.

Spying on Tris I see Zeke's voice again.

Oh shutup will you? She's not my girlfriend! Four's voice echoes.

"Miss Prior? Care to join the class?" The teacher says. 

I jerk my head up and realize I zoned out.

"Yes sorry." I mumble.

I pay attention for the rest of class but I can't shake this weird feeling.

I don't know what it is, but it won't leave.

 Class finally ends and I run out as fast as possible.

Someone grabs my arm and pulls me aside.

I turn around and see Four.

"Ignore Zeke, he's just being annoying." He says softly. 

"I know he is, it's fine." I say.

"K" Four says and begins to walk toward Zeke and Uriah.

"HEY BUDDY!" Uriah yells.


"I was just telling her to, meet me after school so we can work on English." Four lies.

"Ya sure" Zeke smirks.

"Nothings going on he just talked to me." I say walking to Chris and Mar.

"What" Chris starts.

"Was" Mar interupts.

"THAT!" Shauna says walking up to us. 

"Nothing me and Four talked about after school. Our project." I say.

"Ya your project" Shauna says.

"In a dark hallway without anyone around?" Chris nearly shouts still surprised.

"Um ya?" I say.

"Oh so you just happen to go into the hallway with the lights out?" Mar says.

"Um, it's right next to the classroom so yes" I say.

"You guys were pretty close." Chris says.

"Ya and if you were just talking about your project than why'd you have to go in a dark hallway?" Shauna asks.

"Because the hallways are loud and crowded, plus we didn't want people hearing can we just drop it please?" I ask irritated.

The rest of the day goes by fast. 


After school I wait by my locker for Four.

He finally walks up.

 "Took you long enough! Ready to go?" I ask.

"Ya sorry" Four says.

We start walking to my car.

"So, why does Zeke think we're dating? Just because I'm your only girl-friend." I ask.

"I guess so. I don't even like you" he says.

"I mean, that way." He continues.

He scratchs his neck.

"Umm no effensive" He quickly adds.

"It's fine, I don't think I really like you either." I say.

"I mean, that way" I add.

He laughs and I do too.

We get in my car and start to drive to my house.

It's too bad he's faking, he's really actually nice when you get to know him.

The song "All About That Bass" comes on and I start to sing along.

"You're a really good singer." Four says. 

"Thank you" I say and continue singing. 

"By the way" Four starts almost a whisper.

"You aren't very large. But in a good way. You've got muscle." He says.

I blush.

Then my favorite part of the song comes and I can't help but sing as loud as possible.


"Can't argue with that!' Four says.

"Yeah, my mama she told me dont't worry about your size. She says 'Boys like a little more booty to hold at night'." I sing.

"You got that right!" Four says.

"You know I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie Doll. So if that's what you're into then go ahead and move along." I sing better this time. 


"I'm all about that bass, bout that bass, no treble" I sing.

"I'm all about that bass, bout that bass, no treble" Four sings.

"Damn!" I yell.

"What?" Four asks.

"Your voice!" I say.

We pull into my driveway.

"Thanks" He says with that signiture smirk girls fall for.

I feel myself falling for it.

Stop Tris he's not even your friend.

I unlock my door and he follows me to my room.

"English?" Four asks.

"English" I say.

"Maybe English will be our always?" he says.

"NO!" I say.

"What?" he asks.

"Don't tell me you read that? You seriously read that book?" I ask.

"Ya why? Do you not like it?" He asks.

"Like it? I LOVE IT! I just can't believe you, of all people, have read The Fault In Our Stars." I say.

"Ya so? It's a good book!" He says.

"Well ya you just don't seem like the boy who would read." I say.

"Are you kidding? I love books! Mostly ones in the future. Like Divergent (pretend it's not them :)) and Hunger Games! And don't get me started about Mrotal Instruments!" He explains.

My jaw is dropped and I can't even speak.

"Hello? Tris?" He asks waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry. I just can't believe it! I love those books!" I say.

He chuckles.

"Can we do our project now and talk about this later." Four says.

"Oh ya sorry" I say.

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