Chapter 13 Four's POV

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(A/N it's wednesday if you don't remember, and 2 week from this friday is prom. I will probably not skip many days so be patient. And if you didn't notice it's like the middle of the school year.  They just got back from a week off for some holiday that's why they got new partners. And it's warm enough for shorts and stuff. So now to the story.)

I walk into the cafeteria and sit in between Zeke and Uriah.

Soon Tris and her friends, Shauna, Lynn, Marlene, and Christina all walk over.

"Mind if we sit?" Tris asks.

Zeke and Uriah scowl but quickly stop when they both see someone behind Tris.

I can't tell who however.

"Sure." I say.

Tris, Shauna, Marlene, and Christina sit across from us.

Lynn sits next to Uriah.

"So Tris I was wondering if you could come over after school? We haven't shopped in forever!" Christina says.

"Can't, working with Four on our projects remember?" Tris answers.

Christina looks from Tris to me.

"Ohhh, I see." She says smirking.

"So what's going on with you two?" Marlene asks.

"Nothing!" Tris says quickly.

"Really? Nothing at ALLL? Because he's been there past dinner everday. And you were finished with work I presume." Shauna says.

"Nothing going on, since I'm there late I have dinner with her, and then I pack up and go home. Nothing is going on." I plainly say as if fact. 

No one looks convinced, not even Tris who's face is now bright red.

"So no adding? Or multiplication?" Uriah asks.

Lynn punches his arm.

"We don't do ma-" Tris starts.

I give her a look and mouth 'That's not what he meant'.

She looks confused then realizes.

Her face turns a darker red and she rapidly shakes her head.

"I'm getting dessert. Anyone want something?" I ask changing the subject.

"No thanks." The girls say in unison.

"CAKE!" Zeke and Uriah scream.

"I wasn't asking you!" I say.

"Right, you were asking Tris?" Zeke questions, but more states.

"No, I was being polite to the nice people at our table. Stupid annoying people don't get anything." I say getting in line for cake. 


No you like her.






More than friends.


You actually like her.

You hate her.


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