Chapter 27 Tris' POV

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This is it.

I'm going to do it.

Breathe in, and out.

In, and o-

"Hey Tris!" Zeke says.

"H-h-hi" I say nervously.

"What's up?" Uriah asks.

"Can I-" I start.

"Talk to Four alone?" They both answer.

"Umm, ya" I say.

They begin to walk past me. 

"The girls told us eeeeverythiiiiiiinnnnng" They dramatically say.

I gulp.

"Great" I mutter.

"Hey Tris" Four says.

"Hi" I say quietly.

"You needed to talk to me?" He asks.

"I just want you to know..." 


"That, I don't have a crush, nor am I dating, Cameron" I say quickly.

Four exhales, as if he were waiting for me to say that and I finally did.

"Good" He says.

There's a brief silence.

"Then who were you talking about?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Uh-uh-uh" I think of an excuse.

"No one you know." I say.

"Why don't I know them?" He asks, becoming slightly frustrated.

"They go to a different school" I lie.

"I play sports, I know people." He says.

"Well, this guy doesn't go to any nearby schools, and he doesn't play normal sports, anymore" I say, this time actually thinking of a guy to use.

"What school does he go to?" Four asks.

"Welllll" I drag the word out.

I got it! 

I'll tell him.

The 'truth'

*wink* *wink*

"Ok fine! I'll tell you, but don't laugh." I say.

"I won't, promise." He says.

"A-a-a" I start.

He gives me a confused looked.

"AUGUSTUS WATERS!" I spit out.

"What?" Four still looks confused.

"When the girls said I should 'confess my love' and stuff they were being sarcastic and funny. You can't actually tell some one f-f-f" 

"Fictional?" He says.

"Ya, fictional how you feel." I say.

Four stares, trying to solve and invisable puzzle on my face.

"Ohh, I get it" He says.

"You do?" I ask getting nervous.

"Yup" He says.

"You have a crush on someone so close to me, you had to lie about the Augustus thing so I wouldn't know" He smirks.

"You got me" I lie.

"So who is it?" He asks.

"I can't tell you!" I say.















"No, I still hate you." I say turning around.

"Just, nevermind. Forget it. Pretend we never even had this conversation." I begin walking away.

"Wait!" Four says running up to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you I just wanted to know" He says.

"Ya, whatever." I run to lunch.


*After School Tuesday*


"So what did he say?" Marlene asks, sitting on my bed.

"Well..." I start.

"Come on! Tell us!" Christina whines.

"Fine!" I say.

"Yay!" Shauna cheers.

"Ok so I went over and told him." I say.

"Annnd?" Lynn asks.

"And he asked who the boy was." I say.

"Annnd?" Chris and Marlene ask.

"So I start describing Augustus Waters" I say.

They all giggle.

"Annnd?" Shauna asks.

"And then he asked who it really was." I say.

Christina squeals.

"And you said?" Shauna asks.

"Well..." I look at the wall awkwardly.

"Oh god what did you say?" Marlene asks.

"Well, he started naming people, and I kept saying no..." I trail off.

"And then he said himself?" Christina asks.

"Yup" I say.

"And you said you still hate him?" Marlene says.

"Yup" I say.

"YOU IDIOT!" Christina yells.


"Wow, that's so not cool" Lynn says.


"The FourTris has collapsed!" Chris says.

"We're all doomed!" Marlenes whines.

"You guys are overreact-" I start but am imterupted.

"No! We're not! Seriously you two were meant to be but you go and be an idiot by not confessing your love! And then you get another date to prom!" Lynn says surprising us all.

"Uh-uh-uh" I stutter.

"Speaking of which, who is your date?" Marlene asks.

"Not telling." I say.

"Come on it's in 3 days" Shauna begs.

"Still not telling" I say.

They groan.

"I'm sorry but I'm not saying. I don't even really want to go with him, or at all." I say.

"Give us a hint!" Shauna says.

"Let's just say you wouldn't see me with him in a million years, well, you haven't seen me with him in a few years" I say.

"Huh?" They all ask.

"He's not exactly my favorite person..."

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