Chapter 11 Tris' POV

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We all sit at the dinner table.

My dad sits at the end, my mom on one side, and me and Four on the other side.

Caleb runs down the stairs and sits next to my mother.

We all get a burger and begin eating.

"So Four, you and Bea are doing a project together?" My Mom asks.

"Mom!" I yell.

"Sorry, you and Tris" She corrects.

"Umm yes we are writing a story for English, and doing an experiment in Science." Four says.

(A/N If you didn't know it's Tuesday the week after their b-ball game Friday. This Friday their projects are due and they have a basketball but seperatley, girls at one, boys at another. Also Prom is in two weeks from this friday. Now back to the story)

"So I'm guessing you don't hate him anymore?" My father asks.

"Dad!" I yell.

"What you did!" He says holding his hands up.

"Well that is behind us" I say.

Unless he is still getting revenge on me and this whole "Friendship" is fake. So just don't him information and you're good.

"So you're dating?" Caleb asks.

"NO!" We yell in unison.

"OK OK!" Caleb says.

"Do you have a girlfriend Four?" My mother asks.

"MOM!" I yell.

"No I don't" Four asnwers. 

His face shows he quickly regrets saying that.

"Oh, Tris is single as well. After that last boyfriend of hers she took a little break from dating. Ya he was kind of a jerk and well, excuse my language, but a 'badass'" My mom explains.

"MOM!" I yell hitting my forehead. 

I start to take a drink of water to relax myself.

"Sorry, you just deserve someone better than him, somone nice and polite like Four." She says.

I spit the water, luckily back into the cup.

I get up and start walking away.

"I'm done with this! Goodnight!" I say running up the stairs and into my room. 

I lay on my bed and just stare at the ceiling.

I hear a knock at my door.

"GO AWAY MOM!" I yell.

The door slowly opens a little.

"It's me." Four says coming in.

He sits on the edge of the bed.

"Great" I mumble.

"Hey your mom was just being your mom. I understand." He says.

"I know but she totally embarrassed me, and YOU!" I say.

"Hey, I'm ok with her wanting to know more about me." He says.

I sit up, placing my hands on the bed behind my back to hold me up.

"You don't get it do you?" I say. 

She just gave you information for your 'revenge'.

"Nevermind" I say shaking my head.

 "Hey" Four says.

His hand hesitates, but quickly he puts it back on the bed.

"You can tell me, we're friends, right?" He says with his signiture smirk.

"ya" I squeak on the verge of tears.

I blink them away.

"Ok" He says.

His hand again moves, but this time he doesn't hesitate.

He puts his hand on my arm.

He pulls me toward him, and at first I'm not sure why.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

I smile as I rest my chin on his shoulder.

I wrap arms around him.

"It's ok, you can cry. I won't judge." He says chuckling.

So I do.

I let the tears slide down my cheeks.

I don't sob, just cry silently.

Four rubs circles on my back.

"Was your ex-boyfriend bad?" Four asks after a while of silence.

"He touched me." I whisper.

Four stiffens and pulls back, grabbing my arms.

"He t-touched you?" He studders, worry in his eyes.

"Well, not really, he just." I stop.

I can't tell him.

This is all an act.

But he looks sincere.

He looks different than usual.

He looks real.

Maybe he isn't getting revenge.

"Tris" Four says sternly.

"He would sometimes hit me, if I wasn't doing something right." I say.

His eyes widen.

"No, no, not like that, like if I couldn't hang out, or if I was hanging out with my friends." I say.

He relaxs but still looks concerned.

"Who. Is. He" Four says through gritted teeth.

"It was like 2 years ago." I say.

"Who. Is. He" Four repeats.

"Eric." I squeak.

He now looks furious.

He gets up and walks toward the door.

"Where are you going?" I say walking after him.

"To see Eric" He says opening the door.

"Why?" I ask.

He looks back at me.

"Because your my friend." He says with a serious look.

And this time, I know.

He meant it.

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