Chapter 14 Tris' POV

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*After school Wednesday*

"So, why did you ask me to prom, just to get them off your back or something?" I ask.

I already know the answer.


"Well, that and, your my friend. I don't really have a crush, and I don't really have any friends that are girls, except you guys. I like you the most out of all of them, no effenc to them. So, ya" He explains scratching his neck.

Four begins looking nervous.

I don't blame him.

If I had to get revenge on someone the way he is I would be too.

Or he's nervous because of what Caleb said.

"oh" I say.

"Should we start our homework?" Four asks.

"Right" I say.

We do our math, then history.

We finish our science project on heredity.

(A/N*wink wink* Comment if you know why I blinked)

Then we work on English.

"We're almost done with our project. If I stay for a while after dinner I bet we'll be able to finish it." Four suggests.

"Christina was gonna take me dress shopping, but prom's in two weeks, we can look over the weekend." I say grabbing my phone.

"No, go with Christina. You haven't seen her in a while. And we can just finish this tomorrow." Four says.

"Are you sure? I can cancel with her it's no big deal." I say.

"It's fine, go" Four says.

"Ok." I say.

I grab my purse and run down the stars, Four following behind.

There's a knock on the door.

1 knock, 2 fast knocks. 1 knock, a pause, then 2 more knocks.

That's Christina.

"She's here." I say.

I open the door, and sure enough there is Christina grinning from ear to ear.

Her smile fades when she notices Four behind me.

Chris looks confused, then smirks.

"Don't even." I whisper.

"I'm sorry, was I interupting you? Wouldn't want you missing time with your-" She starts.

I cover her mouth with my hand.

"If my mom hears you, you're dead. And we're not dating." I say.

"Why can't your mom hear, you can't date or something?" She asks.

"No, it's the exact opposite. She WANTS me to date, like really bad. And if she thought it was Four she'd freak. For some reason she really likes him. So SHUTUP" I say.

"Ok, ok. We should get going." Chris says.

"Ok." I say.

Four follows us outside and watches us get in Christina's car.

Right before I close my door Four speaks.

"Buy something pretty." He says putting his hands in his pockets.

He begins walking down the sidewalk towards his house.

"What was that?" Christina asks as we begin to drive.

"Four's sarcastic humor, duh" I say.

"No, hun. That wasn't sarcasm. That was pure honesty. I could sense it." Christina says.

"Whatever." I mumble looking out the window.


We walk into the mall and Christina grabs my arm, dragging me to every possible store.

After not finding much that looks good or fits right, we decide to sit and get a pretzel.

"Why can't you just like something I pick out?" Chris asks, grabbing her smoothie and sipping it.

I watch the pink liquid run up the straw before it disapears behind her lips.

'Because it's slutty, or doesn't look good on me. If you haven't noticed, I'm not all bend and curve like you are." I say sipping my banana-strawberry smoothie.

"Please, you may have abs, but you've also got chest, and hips. And is it that bad to show a little skin. It's fun to have boys drool over, not that they aren't already." Chris says, biting her pretzel.

I play with my pretzel, dipping it in the cheese.

"I don't know, maybe it's not so bad to show a little skin, but I don't want girls silently judging me." I say eating my pretzel.

"Oh, please, a girl as hot as you will always be silently judged. But silently judging means they're jealous. Which means your doing a good job." Chris says getting up.

"Now let's go get a dress!" She cheers.

I get up and follow her to the garbage.

We walk into a dress store, full of expensive, but beautiful dresses.

"I can't afford this." I say.

"Please, I've seen your house, your aren't rich, but you definatley aren't poor. And your parents would buy you anything if it made you happy." Christina says.

We look around until I find a dress.

(A/N I'm not good at describing dresses so bare with me. There should be a link to the phot to the right/top)

It's hot pink, and strapless.

There's sequence on the top that meets in the middle and goes down to the middle of the stomach part.

It goes down to mid theigh, then the back goes down to the ground.

It is beautiful.

I find my size and run to the dressing room, ditching Christina.

When I'm done putting it on I walk out and Christina's jaw drops.

"It's so beautiful, you're so beautiful!" She says.

I look in the mirror.

It is beautiful, fitting me perfectly.

"We have to get it!" Christina says.

"Shouldn't we make sure there isn't anything I like better first? Just in case." I say.

"True. I hold on to this one incase you change your mind." She says.

I change and go back to looking at dresses. I find two more that I love.

One is light blue and silver, with a long blue skirt part that goes to the floor.

It also has blue glooves.

The other is black, strapless, and goes to about mid-theigh.

There's a silver sparkly triangle design.

(I tryed to put the links for those too but it may not've worked so if not I'll post them in the next chapters)

I go in the dressing room and try each on showing Christina.

"I don't know, I love all of them." Christina says.

"How about we come back and get them another time, I'll think about it until them. Besides, we haven't even got your dress yet. We'll come back this weekend" I suggest.

"Sounds good." Christina says.

We out the dresses back and Christina drops me off at my house.

A/N Hey guys! Extra long chapter just for you! And if you can see all three photos, vote which dress she should wear!

Erudite Highजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें