Chapter 18 Four's POV

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Call Ended

Call Ended

Call Ended

"Hey it's Tris!"

"Hey Tris it's Four listen-"

"I'm busy at the moment so I'll call you back ASAP but for right now please leave a message after the-"

Call Ended



"Hey Tris it's Four please answer I really want to explain. I don't want to get revenge anymore. You're awesome and I really want to be friends. Call me back."



"Hey it's Tris! If your NOT Four leave a message, and if it is Four... STOP CALLING ME I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! Bye!"

"Tris please just answer, let me explain, and if you don't like my explanation then you don't have to be my friend. Bye"

"UGGGH! Which one of you told her?" I ask Zeke and Uriah who came over.

"We didn't!" They say in unison.

"What so she just figured it out all on her own?" I ask.

"YES!" They both say.

I groan.

"Come on its a Friday lets just enjoy it" Zeke says.

"Fine, Let's go back to the game." I say.

"Alright!" Uriah exclaims.

"Why do you care if she is mad anyways?" Zeke asks.


"Because it ruins my plan! She knows now so it won't be as pleasing when I embarrass her." I say.

"Oh ok" Zeke says.

Thank god he's an idiot, that was close.

I walk back to Uriah and Zekes living room where all the girls look disappointed, and Caleb is gone.

My eyes widen.

A room full of angry, athletic girls is NOT good!

"Ummm, shall we continue the game?" I ask in a high-pitched, internally scared to death.

All of a sudden they all start screaming at once.

I only catch a few words.


"How could you do that to her!"

"What the fuck?!?"

"AND I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER!" Obviously that one was Christina.

"It was meant to be!" Everyone stops and stares.


"What the hell man you're suppose to be on my side!" I say.

"What it's true! It's true love!" He says fluttering his eyes and putting his hands over his heart.

"What! We didn't love each other! And as you can see, she now hates me! SO THANKS A LOT!" I yell.

"man period" Uriah mumbles.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" I yell.

The girls giggle.

I flip them off and walk out.

I can't deal with this.

Basically all of them hate me, and if I'm near Zeke and Uriah much longer I'll give something away.

Give something away? About you loving Tris?

What I don't love Tris!

Well then why do you care if she hates you?

Because... it ruined my revenge plan...






I lay on my bed.

I go on my computer and go on all my social media accounts.

After a while I know what I'm looking at, or at least looking for.


Instagram: Posted Yesterday:

*Selfie of Tris*

So bored... #lonelyfridays #exfriends 

Obviously meant for me...


Hey guys, sooo bored! What do you do at midnight on a lonely Friday night? #Lonelyfridays #exfriends

Now I almost feel insulted, but then again I did worse.

Wait! She updated twitter.

Why is it that Saturday nights don't seem as exciting as Friday nights? #Sobored #Nofriends #Nolife



I screwed up.

Big time.

Now what?

"LIGHT BULB!" I say aloud.

I run through my contacts list.

Dang it.

I go on my computer and look for my school's website.



*Evil laugh-


"Mooooom!" I whine.

"You interupted my evil plotting!" I yell.

"I don't care unless your plotting it against the neighbors! Their dog keeps crapping on my plants!" She yells.

I groan.

"Stupid mom" I mumble.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, but trust me it'll get better! I have plans.... MWAHAHAHHAHAHHAH- 

Honey get off your blog and get a life!

 But mom I plotting an evil plan and sharing it to my followers!

I don't care! We're gonna get you real friends and a boyfriend! NAG NAG NAG!


So I hope you enjoyed that skit I put on for you, I'm sure every fangirl can relate.

Well... Adios!

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