Part 9

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After lunch we return back to class and now we have math. Luckily we all have that class together Patricia couldn't stop yapping away as she pulls on my arm. I cant help but think about Martha and Magnus I wonder what they could be talking about.

A sense of jealousy takes over because I saw the way Magnus was looking at her. Then again I could be overreacting and maybe they are just friends one could only hope. I sigh and continue to walk to my next class no longer in a happy mood.

"Guys let's go get milkshakes "Noah says class just ended and we were all finished for the day. Patricia jumps in excitement "ooooh yes let's go Star" she says as she starts packing up my things. "Guys I'm not in the mood plus I'm broke" I mean I had $10 in my back pocket but they didn't need to know that.

"Um it wasn't up for discussion you are coming and I'll pay for you"Noah says as he puts his backpack on. I groan I really just wanted to sleep in my nice comfy bed that was waiting for me at home. "Come on" Patricia drags me out the door and we walk one block to a small diner.

We sit in a booth at the back of the diner. I decided to get a strawberry milkshake Patricia gets chocolate and Noah gets vanilla. The diner is really cute with cupcake wallpaper and paper shaped clouds hanging from the ceiling. It smelled awesome too like cinnamon rolls and my mouth was just watering at the sugar cookies by the register.

"Sooooo guys what do you think about college so far" Noah asked as he sips on his milkshake. "Its awesome except for the classes" Patricia says. I laugh "Tricia that's kind of the point of college" she just shrugs her shoulders. Suddenly my phone rings "Oh uhh I'm gonna take this" I excuse myself out the booth and head to the bathroom.

I take out my phone to see Martha calling. "Hey Mar what's up","oh nothing I was calling to see where you were since you didn't text me after you finished your last class". I roll my eyes "sorry about that I went to get milkshakes with some friends." Its silent for a second before she says something "wow you actually socialized "she jokes and I frown.

"Yes I actually talk Mar I am still human I say in a defensive tone. "Whatever Star I just wanted to tell you I'm going out". I cant help myself and ask "with who" I know I shouldn't ask but I wanted to know if it was Magnus she was going out with. "Its none of your concern who I'm going out with just know I'm going out" she snaps back. I roll my eyes "whatever Mar bye" I say and hang the phone up. No longer in a good mood I walk back to the booth and grab my things "guys I'm gonna head out now".

"Is everything okay I can drop you off back home if you want" Patricia says with a worried face. "No need I'll just take the bus and I'm fine don't worry" I say as I wave goodbye to them and walk to the bus stop.

Martha seriously ruined my whole mood. Why do I care that she is going out with Magnus. I don't care it's not like he's mine we never even had a full conversation so why do I feel this way. I hop on the bus as I continue to argue with myself in my head.

Starla Mcfluffbird Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя