Part 13

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Its Monday and and I feel like the weekend went by so fast. I literally slept all day on Sunday and did no homework, so much for keeping a high GPA. I climb off the bus and walk to the college by myself once again.

Martha decided to catch a ride with one of her friends so I'm rolling solo. At least it was a nice out today its September so its basically sweater weather. I had on my favorite oversized hoodie and some leggings with some cute knee length boots. See people I can dress nice when I want to.

I walk across the college parking lot when a guy on a all black motorcycle drives in. He takes off his helmet and I realize its Magnus "shit" I mutter as I try to keep my head down.

"Uhh you know I can see you right"a deep voice say as I quicken my pace. "Can you slow down I just want to talk" he says frustration clear in his voice. "There is nothing to talk about" I reply wanting to end this conversation.

"Just hear me out" he grabs my hand and pulls me close to him. I feel like I cant breathe we are so close any closer and we could end up kissing. "Look I know that you saw me with Stacey the other night and I just"... he runs a hand through his dark hair. I dont say anything I just stare at his tall frame.

I'm not going to lie he looked good today in his leather jacket and red tshirt with jeans. The way his muscles were bulging through his jacket and that sharp jaw... I quickly shake my head focus Starla.

"Me and uhh Stacey our relationship is complicated" he says licking his  lips. His hazel eyes are on me and I cant help but look away it was like he was hypnotizing me. I finally speak up "so what about my sister Martha" I ask with a frown.

"What about her" he shrugs I shoot him a glare "you can't be serious Magnus" I can't believe he was trying to act like nothing happened between them. "Look me and Martha had an agreement and that's all I'm going to say" he says looking me straight in the eye.

With a scowl I shake my head. "Dont think I'm going to let this slide I'm still telling Martha about Stacey " I say with so much hostility. Magnus shrugs "do as you please she's not the one I'm interested in" he says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes " I'm done with this conversation now if you'll excuse me I have to get to class" I say nonchalantly I wonder who he's interested in. "Sure I'll let you go just know you'll be seeing me a lot more baby girl" he says with a smirk.

My jaw drops as he walks into the college and I'm left standing there in the parking lot. Did he just call me baby girl, I try not to fan girl but I cant help it. No matter what I have to make sure I stay far away from him.

It's not like I'm into him right?

Starla Mcfluffbird Where stories live. Discover now