Part 39

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Starla's POV

Two weeks later

"I think that is everything" I say with a deep sigh. I have decided to move out and move in a new apartment with Magnus, it was actually his idea. I grab the tape off the floor and wrap up the last box.

It took some convincing for my father to agree but we both know that I can't stay here forever. I want to start my own journey and live my life comfortably. As for Martha she was well let's just say she wasn't to pleased when she found out.

Finished taping up the box I put it to the side with the other boxes. From now on things are going to be different... a good different. I hop on my bed sprawling out my arms and legs. My stomach growled Magnus sure is taking his sweet time with the pizza.

I gaze at my ceiling my room now feeling empty. I know I am making the right decision, I love Magnus and I know our relationship will get stronger. Just then I hear baby Logan screaming his lungs out "shh baby I don't know what you want"!

I hear the anger in Martha's voice and I would offer to help but when I helped last time things didnt go over so well. Suddenly I hear the front door open and I hear Magnus walk through.

"Star baby the food is here" not waiting a second longer I walk into the kitchen. "Took you long enough I'm starving I say pulling out plates from the cabinet.

"Is Martha going to eat or"... Magnus starts wondering what to do. I hesitate before deciding to just go up and ask her. "I'll go ask her" I say before walking to Martha's room and knocking on her room door.

She opens the door a hysterical baby Logan in her arms. "What is it can't you see I'm a little busy" she snaps at me rocking Logan back and forth. This is exactly the reason why I hate conversations with my sister they always turn into a huge uproar.

"I just wanted to tell you Magnus bought pizza if you are hungry" I say rolling my eyes. "No I don't want any of your pizza hello I just had a baby I need to watch my figure"!

I don't get a chance to say anything as she slams the door in my face. It was then I declared that I would no longer put in the effort to save me and my sisters relationship.

I'm done..


"So what are we going to do about furniture" Magnus asked gazing around our new apartment. We decided to go to our new place to check things out. "I have some money saved that my mother gave me before she passed" I say dusting off some dirt from the windows.

"I'll pitch in as well I don't want you using all your money" he says wrapping his arms around me. I inhale his manly scent the smell of peppermint seeping into my nose.

"I'm so glad we are doing this, I think this will really make our relationship stronger"he mutters into my hair. I nod in agreement loving the feel of his arms around me.

"Starla I... don't know how to say this but I... I love you, we've been through hell and back. You don't have to say it back but I want you to know that I serious about this relationship".

I see the immense amount of love in his eyes. I feel the tears starting to trail down my face.

"I love you too Magnus with everything in me I'm so glad you are in my life" I say with a sob. We share a kiss pouring all of our love into it.

I never thought that I Starla Mcfluffbird would ever find love but I did and I am truly excited for whatever comes our way in the future.

                          THE END

I want to thank everyone for reading this book. This is my first ever book that I wrote here on Wattpad and I'm so glad at the amount of positive feedback I received.

It means alot to me that people would take the time out of there day to read a chapter of my book. This story was just an idea in my head and now it has blossomed into this beautiful story.

This is not the end I still have put write up the epilogue. Now let me know if you guys want a sequel to this book or should I just leave it as it's own book.

Again I want to thank everyone for reading this book and I hope you will continue to read my books in the future.

Bye for now 😘💛💙💗❤🧡

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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