Part 37

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Starla's POV

I awoke to a beeping sound next to me. My vision was blurry but after a couple of seconds it began to refocus, my head was literally pounding. My throat felt so dry I was in desperate need of a cool drink.

I peered at my surroundings to see I was in a hospital. The walls were plain white and there wasn't much excitement. I could hear muffled voices outside of the door but I couldn't tell who it was. I looked down at my clothes someone must have changed me.

Wanting to stand up I pulled my legs over the hospital bed slowly. My legs felt like jello and was shaking non stop. "What do you think you are doing get back in bed"!!

I turn to see a worried but loving Magnus walking towards me. He looked so tired with his dark hair all over the place and the dark bags under his eyes. He gently lifted my small body back into the bed and pulled the covers over me.

Once I was settled in I watched Magnus stroke my hair softly. "I am so sorry Starla" he whispered his voice breaking in despair. I grab one of his large hands in mine before speaking " its not your fault Magnus... I don't blame you".

Magnus got up to join me on the little hospital bed. We snuggled up together on the tiny bed Magnus's arms around me making me feel safe and warm.

"WHERE IS THAT CRAZY BITCH I'LL SEND HER TO PRISON WITH A BLACK EYE" I could Patricia's furious voice  outside of my room, me and Magnus were currently eating some soup that his aunt made.

"Starla baby your friend is something else" Magnus chuckles sipping on his soup. I gently send a smile his way before the door to my room bust wide open with a frantic Patricia and Noah.

"MY STAR ARE YOU ALRIGHT I SWEAR... ARE YOU IN PAIN I'LL CALL THE NURSE"-  " Patricia I am fine" I interrupt as she continues to scan my body for cuts and bruises.

"I am so glad you are okay... I searched everywhere for you Starla... I am so sorry" Patricia sobs and I pull her into a big bear hug. " Tricia stop it... you didn't know and I am so lucky to have a bestfriend like you and Noah".

I watch Noah who is now standing in the corner of the room sniffling as well. I motion for him to join the hug and he walks over tears streaming down his face as well. After our hug we talk for hours about what's been going on since I've been kidnapped.

Just then a there is a knock on my door and it opens to Magnus walking in. "Star baby... your father is outside" he tells me and I nod my head telling him to let him come in. Patricia and Noah leave the room giving us some privacy.

My father walks in wearing his usual work clothes. He quickly pulls me in for a hug running his large hands through my hair. "I thought I lost you Starla... I should have protected you... this never should have happened and I'm sorry".

My father starts to sob and I am shocked. The only time my father has ever cried was at my mother's funeral... it was nice that he was letting me comfort him.

"Its okay dad... it's not your fault so don't beat yourself up" I whisper patting his back. I let my father continue to cry it out until he finished and grabs a tissue. "I am so glad you are okay... I promise to protect you and Martha like a father should" he declares and I send him a gentle smile.

Me and father never really talked like in this moment. It was nice to finally talk to my father and for him to  actually be there for me in a time of need.

It felt nice to finally have a moment with my dad. In the end he is all I have well except for Martha, when it comes to being a parent he is all I have left .

Just then there is a knock on the door and I yell for them to come in. I'm shocked to see Martha walk in with a little baby in her arms, her baby bump no longer in existence.

"Hello sister" she says with a smirk. I silently pray that this  won't end up in disaster...

Starla Mcfluffbird Where stories live. Discover now