Part 16

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Martha's Pov

I stomp my way back to class. Sometimes Starla infuriates me and I cant control my anger. Starla was always the sweet innocent child and she never got into any trouble.

I was always labeled the bad twin and  I'm fed up. For once I'm actually standing up for myself, I'm not the bad guy here. I refuse to give up on Magnus because what we have is real.

We messed around once and then I didn't hear from him again. I run my fingers through my hair furiously, I'm tired of playing these childish games. Sometimes I cant read Magnus and I so badly want get inside his head.

"Hey pretty lady" my friend Tyler says  as I plop into the seat next  to him. "Hey Ty" I say with a frown still thinking about Magnus. "Hey what's up you look stressed" he says stroking my knee. Me and Tyler occasionally fuck around but I dont have any feelings for him.

I know Tyler has a crush on me I can see it  in his eyes everytime he looks at me adoration  clear in his eyes. But I just dont feel the same about him... the sex is alright but obviously Magnus was way better in bed.

I roughly pull Tyler's hand off my knee "I'm fine it's not your problem". I can see I hurt him but I dont want to lead him on any longer. "I understand" he says facing the board, I roll my eyes I know he'll get over it and over me.

"Tell you what how about we hang out after class" I say flirtatiously. What can I say I love sex and I need to release some of this stress. "Sure"he says his eyes looking me up and down with desire.

It was too easy.


"That was amazing" Tyler says as he zips up his pants. I grab my shirt and fix my hair we were in a supplies closet, what can I say my needs were urgent. I quickly fluff up my hair. "Hey Mar I've been thinking"... he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

I quickly pull myself out his arms "dont touch me this thing we have going on is just casual fucking" I state crossing my arms. Tyler looks pissed as he frowns at me "are you serious right now Mar, you know how I feel about you." I roll my eyes not caring about a word he says.

"Tyler if I'm being honest I dont feel the same but I think you already knew that" I say. I can see Tyler's muscles clench with anger "fine... but dont come crying to me about your issues with your sister Starla" he spat as he walks out slamming the door.

I shrug he'll come back, they always do.


Walking over to my friends Stacey's house I think about Magnus once again. Its just something about him that just makes me want to get closer to him. I ring Stacey's doorbell, and then I hear footsteps heading towards the door.

Stacey throws the door open and wraps me up in her arms. Me and Stacey have been bestfriends for a while now, we met at a party and we just hit it off.

"Hey bitch I missed you" she says as I walk in and plop down onto the couch. "I missed you too slut" I say as I take my shoes off. Stacey joins me on the couch, "tell me how you been holding up" I asked concerned. Stacey just had a miscarriage and still hasn't told the baby daddy.

"I'm doing good just feeling... really down lately" she says with a sigh. I gently rub her back it must be so hard for her to cope with. "Well you know I'm here for you always"I say pulling her into a hug. She nods her head and I can see her holding back tears. "Soo did you tell the baby daddy yet... I asked hesitantly I dont want to make her more upset.

She shakes her head no "I just dont have the heart to tell him, he really wanted a child" she says tears falling down her face. "I understand completely, when you are ready let him know because he deserves to know" I say.

She nods her head and we sit in silence for a while as we together fight our internal battles.

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