Part 31

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Magnus POV

"It seems like the baby is doing well... would you like to know the gender. "Yes please" Martha answers before I say anything. The doctor looks at me for my answer and I just nod my head.

"You are having a... little boy congrats to you two" the doctor says with so much excitement. When the doctor leaves the room I help Martha sit up as she wipes the jelly off her protruding belly.

"This is exciting baby we are having a baby boy"!! Martha squeals in excitement but I am in no mood to celebrate. "What should we name him I've been thinking of tons of  names for him" she rambles on.

Bored I don't listen to a word she is saying. We hop in my car and I quickly drive her home, when we arrive I have the urge to know if Starla is home.

"Let me walk you inside" I say quickly helping her out the car... I just need to see her. Martha opens the door still talking a mile a minute while I help her to her room. I see Starla's bedroom door open and as we pass it I notice she isn't home.

Martha catches me looking in her room "oh yeah she stayed at her stupid friends house, serves her right" she says rather pissed off.

I send a glare her way, not even saying bye I rush out of the house. I hop in my car... maybe a workout will occupy my mind I think to myself, I stop in front of the gym.

I hop out quickly and greet Fred. I make my way to my locker and change my clothes, I always leave a spare change of clothes. When I finish I make my way to the punching bags I see my friend Luka already there.

"Hey what's up man" I greet him giving him a bro hug. "Hey man how you been" he asked, and honestly I've been feeling pretty shitty lately I told Luka about my situation with Starla.

"Man... I'm hanging in there" I shrug throwing some punches. We chat while we work out and I work my muscles until I can no longer feel them.

I change my clothes before finally heading home. On my way home I stop by Starla's house, the light in her room is the only one on. I stare at her window in pity I miss her like crazy... it feels as if someone is stabbing my heart repeatedly.

With a huge sigh I start up my car once again and drive home. Finally home I face plant into bed, I feel tired but for some reason I can't sleep. I decide to check on my aunt Ruby tiptoeing to her bedroom I see she is fast asleep.

My aunt works so hard she is a nurse at Mount Dinai hospital. I go back to my room and stare up at the ceiling in concentration. When did my life turn to shit... it's as of life itself doesn't want me to be happy.

Clenching my hands at the thought, all I want is to live peacefully. To live peacefully with my Star baby is all I could ever need.

From that moment on I would work hard to prove I am worthy of Starla's love and heart.

My heart already was within her palms..

Starla Mcfluffbird Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt