Part 12

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I quickly run back to the concession line. I can't believe Magnus is playing my sister he's in a relationship yet he wants to fuck around. I cant believe I had a crush on him I'm glad I came to my senses and realized what a jerk he is.

"Hey are you okay" Patricia asked paying for our snacks. I snap out my thoughts and smile " yeah I'm cool let's go before Noah starts looking for us" I laugh. We grab our snacks and head into the theater. Thank god the lights didnt turn off yet I would have dropped all of our snacks knowing I'm clumsy.

We plop down in our seats and munch on some popcorn. "Noah can you tell me what we are watching I think I deserve to know" I say putting on my best puppy dog face. "We are watching IT you know with the creepy clown Patricia blurts out.

I glare at Noah "I thought I said no scary movies seriously" Noah just shrugs I swear once we finish I'm going to murder him. As we munch away I notice Magnus and his model girlfriend walk in I pay him no mind I don't have anything to say to him. But just when I wanted to go unnoticed he catches my eye and I slide down in my seat.

"What an awesome movie" Noah says with a grin I shoot him a glare. This night just became a nightmare first Magnus and his girlfriend sits behind us then he decides it's funny to kick my seat. I shot him the middle finger but he continued to do what he wanted.

Then the movie was so creepy I'm definitely sleeping with the lights on tonight. We make our way out the theater and decide to go eat at some pizza place down the block. Just when I think this night couldn't get any worse I look behind me to see Magnus and his girlfriend walking to the same pizza place!

Patricia notices and wiggles her eyebrows and I shake my head in disgust. Confused she whispers "what happened to thinking he is a total eye candy". I shake my head "I'll tell you the details later". We arrive at the pizza place and get a small table by a window.

Looking at the menu we decide to get a pepperoni with bacon and sausage pizza. "Excuse me but do you mind if we sit here" a deep voice says. I look up to see Magnus asking Noah I try to signal him shaking my head no but he just looks confused. "Sure dude go ahead". I glare at Noah, sometimes he is clueless.

As if sensing the tension Patricia decides to bring up the movie. "Sooo uh what did you think of the movie" she says. "Oh my goodies I loved it I thought it was really funny right babe" Magnus girlfriend says with a laugh.

"Uhh yeah it was alright "Magnus says in his deep voice I cant help but shiver. He keeps trying to catch my eye but I just keep on looking out the window. "Hello my name is Mercedes and I'll be your server tonight what can I get you guys". Noah orders our pizza and for my drink I get a sprite.

Magnus orders a slice and his girlfriend gets a freaking salad. I roll my eyes that's like eating grass but whatever I dont say anything.

For the rest of dinner I avoid Magnus as much as I can.

Patricia drops me off in front of my house and I wave goodbye promising to call them tomorrow. I walk in the dark apartment, as I walk to my room I hear Martha on the phone probably talking to one of her friends.

With a sigh I go check to see if my dad is home. He's fast asleep with a pile of papers beside him. I stack his papers in a pile and pull the covers over him, he always works so hard to support us and I barely see him. I turn off his light and make my way to my room.

Plopping down on my bed I sigh how the hell am I going to tell Martha that Magnus has a girlfriend. I scream in to my pillow life can really be a bitch sometimes.

Starla Mcfluffbird Where stories live. Discover now