Part 10

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I arrive back home a few minutes later and face plant into my bed. The house is quiet except for my cats fighting. Ever since my mother passed me and Martha were constantly fighting. It got so bad that we literally stopped talking to each other for a month. She started hanging out more with her friends every night when we were in high school and was always so drunk I always ended up helping her.

I sigh and begin to peel off my clothes, maybe a shower will help me unwind. I start the shower and hop in not even looking at myself in the mirror. I always thought I was average looking but compared to my sister I looked like a pickle. At least my breast were attractive but then again no guy has ever looked my way.

I let out a big sigh as I wash my hair with my coconut shampoo. After I finished scrubbing my body I turn the water off and grab my towel off the toilet seat. I dry off and decide to wear my comfy booty shorts with a large white tshirt. I didn't forget my undergarments so don't think I'm dirty or anything.

I make my way to the kitchen to grab a snack and look at the clock. Its 5:30 so I decide to get started on some homework. I was stuck on one math problem for an hour when I hear the front door open, curious I walk to the living room and my hearts cracks.

Martha and Magnus were literally making out by the front door. I clear my throat to get there attention. Both eyes look at me and Martha shrugs "what do you want" I dont say anything and just roll my eyes. Shaking my head I go back to my room and slam my door.

I know I shouldn't feel this way but I cant help it. I refuse to cry I have no reason to. I let out a groan and lay flat on my bed. I knew there was something going on between those two I just didn't want to believe it. Well it cant be helped Martha always gets the guys I like its nothing new. Just then I get a text from Patricia.

Patty: Hey are you feeling better

Me: yeah I'm fine now stop worrying

Patty: I cant help it I just want to make sure you really are okay I feel like we have been bestfriends forever even though we just met lol

Me: I agree but I promise if something is really wrong I will confide in you

Patty: you better :)

Noah: hey guys how many times can you wear a pair of socks

Me: once why do you ask

Noah: ok well looks like I have laundry to do then... :0

Me: Noah please don't tell me...


I let out a huge laugh leave it to my friends to make me feel better. Just then I hear the front door slam, Martha walks in my room without knocking and sits on my bed. "Soooo how was your outing with your friends" she asks putting emphasis on the word friends. "For your information they really are my friends and I had a lovely time" I say with a frown.

Its silent for a second and I'm hesitant to ask but I take the leap. "Sooo you and Magnus are a"... I dont say the rest before Martha gives me a cold glare. "Its not your concern so dont bring him up again" she snaps at me. I don't say another word as she walks out my room.

Now I really want to find out what's going between them.

Starla Mcfluffbird Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora