Part 34

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Starla's POV

I woke up in a dark room one of my legs was tied to the wooden bed in the corner. The dark floor was dirty and covered in rust, my skin felt dirty and all I wanted was a shower.

I peeked around the dark room but all I could really see was another small mattress that was covered in brown spots. My limbs were aching as I try to stand up, I had no clue how my life turned upside down in a matter of minutes.

I could hear footsteps approaching the door and I tried to scurry into a corner. The door flew open and a ball of light shined through, I tried to cover my eyes as it was so bright.

In walked a woman with red pumps and a tiny dress on. I look up to face Stacey and then it all comes back to me. Stacey kidnapped me when I was on my way home from the dry cleaner's.

"I see you are finally awake, now the real fun can begin" she snarls kicking my body hard. I shrivel in pain trying to protect to my head as best as I can, then the assaults stop.

"I bet you are wondering why you are here, of course the reason is because of Magnus" she explains nonchalantly. "I told your dumbass to stay away and what did you fucking do... you kept on seeing him and so now I have to teach you a lesson"!!

I want to cry out for help but I knew it would do no good. "Stacey.. p-please don't d-do this if someone finds out- "NO ONE WILL FIND YOU" she interrupts. Silent tears run down my face in sadness and anger.

"I'm going to starve your little ass until you die" she grabs a chunk of my dark hair. "If you even think about escaping I will send in some guests to have there way with you" she threatens.

She lets go and my body slams hard into the ground. I feel a crack somewhere but I can't feel my whole body. Stacey storms out of the room locking it making sure there is no way I can escape.


Magnus POV

"Dude could you pass me that wrench" I ask my bestfriend Luke. I am at work right now trying to occupy my mind. "Hey how have you been man... you seem stressed out" Luke asked me.

I turn back to the car I've been working on before answering him. "Nothing man Martha has been ringing up my phone all day asking me to come over... I'm tired of all this man". I being completely honest I want to run away from it all and say fuck everything.

"Whoa dude seems like you have a lot on your plate... so how are you and Starla" he asked hesitantly. "We talked but... things cant proceed until we get this baby shit settled" I've been feeling so overwhelmed all I know is this better be worth it in the end.

I put the wrench down before I wipe the sweat from my forehead. Wiping my hands on my pants I pull out my phone to check and see if I have a text from Starla.

It's been two days now and I haven't spoken to Starla at all. I ring up Martha to see if she is home, she picks up on the third ring "hello" she answers excitedly.

"Martha is your sister home" I ask getting straight to the point. "No she hasn't been home since yesterday, she probably is at her friends place who cares" she snaps moodily.

I clench my jaw trying to hold in my anger."Martha I don't have time for your shit.. tell me where Starla is" I sneer trying to hold in my anger as best as I could.

"Magnus I just fucking told you I haven't seen her since yesterday"!! I immediately hang up and call her bestfriend. "Umm who is this" Patricia answers in a snarky attitude. "Patricia could you put Starla on the phone" I plead.

"Magnus why are you calling my phone and Starla isn't here and even if she was I wouldn't let you talk to her" she snaps at me.

It was that moment I knew something was wrong...

Starla Mcfluffbird Where stories live. Discover now