Chapter 11: Summits and Waterfalls

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Shepard stood in front of the mirror in her quarters. Her hands were smoothing over her dress uniform when she heard the door to her quarters open. There were only two people on board who would just come in. Garrus or Liara. It only took a breath before she realized who it was. She stepped out to find Garrus placing a stack of datapads on her desk. He turned an smirked at her.

She playfully rolled her eyes and smoothed the bottom of her jacket hem down. "I always feel like I'm playing dress up in these things."

She walked to the desk and began to reach for the stack of datapads. Garrus moved quickly and took her hand away from the pads. He brought her fingers to his mouth and kissed them gently.

"No, no. Leave those for now. You've got a big meeting, then a trip to the Citadel, then back here for a meeting with the Primarch, and..."

She began chuckling as her hands moved to his chest and his hands moved to her waist.

"What are you my secretary?" He touched his forehead to hers and let his hands play on her waist.

"Agenda specialist. It sounds more official."

She smiled just as Joker came over the intercom in her quarters. "ETA to the meeting 10 minutes Shepard. Start playing pretty."

Garrus piped in without thinking. "Who says she is playing."

Joker laughed. "Whoa hey big guy. Yeah, so this is awkward. I'll just..."

They heard a scratching and the coms went silent. Garrus kissed the top of Shepards head and rubbed her shoulders before stepping back. He moved to the sofa and sprawled out with a datapad in his hand.

"Go get em tiger." The smirk could be heard in his voice.

Shepherd crossed her arms and stared at him. "You do know how hellish this will be right? I have the Primarch, the Salarian Dalatrass, and Wrex all in one room. I'm leading the negotiating and I don't even know what it is I have in my deck to work with. Come on. Go with me?"

Garrus laughed and shook his head no. "Maybe later. I have calibrations."

"On a datapad?"

The only response she got was a nod and chuckling. She shook her head and went for the door.

"Keep it up big guy. We will see what happens to that chuckle when I get back from this meeting."

As the lift showed up Garrus smiled at her. "Aww, that's so cute. You think you're coming back from this summit. And here I thought we all but lost our optimism."

She rolled her eyes and stepped into the lift headed for the CIC.

She could hear the debating as she walked toward the conference room. She took a deep breath and stepped in just in time to hear Wrex. After a few minutes of debate the proverable bomb was dropped. Not only did some of the females survive Maelon's research and barbaric testing, but they were also immune to the Genophage and being kept on Sur'kesh. Holy shit. If she could have fallen back in a chair she would've.

She took a stand for Wrex and agreed they needed to go get the females asap. By the time she made it back to her quarters to change into her gear for the recon to Sur'kesh she was seething. Garrus was right where she left him. On the sofa, legs crossed at the ankles, reading a datapad.

"I didn't hear gunfire so I'm assuming things went well? Wait, what's going on? Jane?" He was standing up and already halfway across the room when she tossed her dress uniform to the ground and grabbed her undershirt for her armor. He touched her arm and all it took was one glare. He knew. He didn't ask anything else. He didn't even blink. He patted her arm, walked out, and came back about fifteen minutes later dressed and ready to go. Sniper rifle in hand, pistol ready, gear ready to go.

She heard his voice as he came back into the quarters. "Joker, ETA on our arrival."

Joker came back over, "20 minutes until we reach Sur'kesh."

Garrus nodded to no one really. "Thanks Joker. Let me know at 5 minutes out."

Garrus switched off the com and turned it to vibrate. Shepard turned smiling at him. She was geared up and ready to go as well. "Wow, Vakarian. I didn't have to say a word."

Garrus scratched his forehead as he smirked. "Yeah, well you might want to tell me what hell I'm walking into. What's going on with Sur'kesh?"

Shepard paused and contacted Liara to let her know she wanted her along on this one. She waited for her to show up and filled them both in at the same time. They both looked shocked, but Garrus broke the silence first.

"Unbelievable. I can't imagine what Wrex is going through. The only reason they could possibly be keeping the females is to prevent any chance of a cure." Liara was nodding.

"It has to be. Shepard I searched through everything I had after Maelon and nothing came up. This is very locked down. Do you actually know what we are walking into?" Liara was in her professional role at this point. Shepard liked her like this. It would keep her grounded. It also tended to bring up questions that Shepard may have thought of, but needed to hear someone else say as well.

Garrus nodded. "It is odd Shepard. I don't buy it will be this easy. Waltz in, get the females, waltz back out again."

Shepard nodded to both of them and stood up. "Okay, everyone stay on guard. Play nice. We will get the females one way or another and get out. Let's go get Wrex."

An hour later they found themselves waiting to be admitted into the female holding area. Liara was talking to Kirahee. Wrex was being held by security. Shepard had walked over to a balcony overlooking a waterfall. It struck her how much the landscape reminded her of a mix of Aztec and Egyptian. It was beautiful and at any other time it would have been peaceful.

She felt a hand on her back and the warmth of Garrus move in next to her. He leaned on his arms on the balcony. "It's an inspiring view. Maybe when all this is over we can come back for a vacation. What do you think?"

Shepard smiled. "That sounds nice. Find a little cove down there where no one has demands. Where no one is in pain. Where no one is in misery. Where we can be us."

Garrus rubbed her back and turned to see if anyone was looking their way. He didn't want to break professionalism and at the same time he didn't give a fuck if he did. He did care about Shepard though and what it would do to her. He let his glance move over to Wrex. He had to feel for the guy.

Shepard let her hand touch his waist. She tipped her chin up towards Wrex. "I can't imagine what he is going through right now."

Garrus nodded. "Indeed. If it were you in there, I'd be ripping apart the Spirits gates if I had to to get to you. I damn sure wouldn't be sitting there so calm with security on either side of me."

Jane was a bit in shock at Garrus' words. If it were her back there. Those words lingered for a minute. She was snapped out of it when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Garrus leaned into her ear and whispered in that husky voice of his. "I'll always find you and you fight for you Jane. That's what Archangels do. Come on, their ready for us." He let his talon catch on the chain to the necklace he had given her what seemed a lifetime ago that night on Omega. He lifted it and let it go as he walked towards the lift.

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