Chapter 41: Control, Shore Leave, and Bodyguards

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Garrus and Shepard made their way back to the Normandy later in the day. The Citadel was under repair, security was tighter, and the war had arrived in the protective bubble the Citadel offered. Any other time Shepard would have been very aware of how she and Garrus looked to others, presented themselves, and corresponded. There was a time when all eyes were on them, and not because they were a couple. Everyone wanted the latest news on the great Commander Shepard.

Now? Now she didn't give a damn and neither did anyone else it seemed. Garrus tested the waters a bit as they dropped the keycard in the kiosk in the commons. He placed his hand on her back as they moved through the crowd. When they made their way through the sea of people, he moved his hand back down. Shepard moved her hand and took his. They did this off and on until they reached the Normandy.

They stepped on the Normandy with Garrus' arm around her and didn't give it a second thought. As they stepped through to the bridge they talked to a few people and began gathering their bags. They turned to leave the area when they were suddenly stopped by Joker. He motioned quietly for them to step into the airlock area. The door shut behind him and he stepped to Shepard.

Garrus smirked and looked at the floor shuffling his feet a bit. He knew exactly what Joker was doing. Joker kept a deadpan face as he approached Shepard. She spoke first.

"What? What's wrong? Joker?" She moved her head back as Jeff pushed his hand to her collar and pulled it to the side.

He flung it back in place and followed it with thumping the sore area as hard as he could.

"Oww! Hey!" Shepard grabbed her neck and Garrus let a chuckle out.

Jeff stood with his arms crossed. "I knew it! I knew you two would do something crazy like this. Just running off, bonding.." He waved his hands in a jazz hands manner.

"No thought to us. No thought to those of us who would have wanted to be there. No, no. Don't try to defend yourselves. Just go and think about what you did." He waived them away and shook his head as he sat back down in this pilots chair gently.

Garrus cleared his throat and walked over to him. He patted his large hand on Joker's shoulder. "Hey, flight lieutenant. It wasn't pre-planned. It just happened. We haven't talked about it, but I'm sure after the war we will make it official and you will be there."

Jeff nodded once. "Fine. Deal. But, you may want to cover that up or something. Your neck looks like it was mauled on prom night."

Garrus shook his head. "I don't even know what that is."

"And yet here we are." Joker replied before turning back to the console.

Garrus shook his head and put his arm lightly around Shepards waist. As they walked into the CIC they stopped short when everyone turned around and began clapping. Shepard turned back to Joker who was now looking at her, also clapping.

"I might have heard and may have told a few five or twenty people. We're happy for you Commander. Throw us a bone. We need some good news right now."

Shepard smiled softly and did something totally out of character for her. She stepped over and gave Joker a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Jeff."

Joker nodded once and turned back to his console, leaving the couple to walk out and through the CIC to he elevator.

As the doors to the elevator began to shut, Shepard noticed a notification on her terminal. She paused the doors and stepped out, moving to the console, and pressing the key to access her messages. She read over them and nodded, stepping back.

"Traynor, have Joker set a course for Sanctuary. Hackett's request. Give myself or Counselor Vakarian and update on ETA as soon as you have it."

Shepard walked back to the elevator and let the doors shut. As she and Garrus walked to the cabin, Garrus began to speak.

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